Obito Uchia

                                                                                                    Obito Uchia

Marak Kender Ninja from Taladas who followed Kenneda through the stairway of the gods.

Obito has recently joined us on a few missions probably to help out Kenneda, who has joined our party for unknown reasons.

Character Motivations

-        Seeking a Tower from Uchia Legend which claimed to house a power capable of destroying evil.

Character Time Line:

100 B.C. The village of konoha is founded by a roaming band of Marak Kender lead by Kakashi.

75 B.C. Kakashi dies from natural causes splitting the city into three main factions(clans) all with their own ideals and goals. They where the Uchia, Minato and Uzamaki. Human and kinder combine to make up these clans bringing with them their own various skills and abilities.

60 B.C. The village of Konoha gains neighbors. In their valley humans and elves set up on either side of them creating natural deterrents to enemies. Slowly human and elvish influences touch the village.

30 B.C.  The village rises to the situation and joins forces to defeat a common enemy. Hobgoblins hoards no longer stretched through the forests and outskirts of their valley.

10 B.C. Obito Uchia is born to Fugako and Mikoto

2 B.C. A human Named Brom takes Obito on as his apprentice and starts training in combat. 

Cataclysm : The village of konoha feels the gods left them and become totally focused on family. Although struck with despair the village lives on as Obito continues his training.

1 A.C. A miracle happens in training with Brom and under extreme stress Obito unleashes his chi(magic) and is recognized as truly unique and the last person touched by the gods in the village. He is then sent to the elvan city of Tamrielle to seek a local mage there named Murtage to continue training.

6 A.C.  Gaining more discipline in magic and focusing his mind his training is complete just in time to receive word that the village is in chaos and apparently a coup de ta was happened to over through and gain power by the Uzamaki clan. When Obito arrives he finds most of the city destroyed and the Uchia clan annihilated. Now being the only remaining Uchia Ninja left and a very unique one at that he is now forced on the run. He is joined by a friend Kannada after some enticing they decide to leave this valley and start anew. Obito’s Father, Mother and Brother where never found.

7 A.C.  Kannada and Obito find the stairway to the Gods and travel through it leaving Talidus behind getting separated on Ansalon only to meet up in Haven and join Caprica Whitestone’s cause. Kannada showing up first followed by Obito several months later following rumors of a rougue kinder in these parts.

Character Notes:

-        Marak Kender – Male

-        Ninja Shaman - Shinobi Illusionist

·       Displayed the power of his illusions on the Battle field by striking fear into a hill giant

again, using the image of the Shadow Dragon

·       Demonstrated significant ability while helping hold off Howler’s Army

·       Enjoys taking point even in dangerous situations, often scouting far ahead of the party

-        Part of the Uchia clan

-        Born in the village of Konoha on Taladus.

-        His Clan Village was destroyed

·       A neighboring clan of Humans and Kender attacked the Uchia. 

·       Uzamaki Clan attacked their village and destroyed everything

a.      A boarder dispute over who was going to control a certain area.

-        Kennada is a Minato Clan member and the only Kender which treated Obito kindly after the loss of his village.

-        Acted as shaman or spiritual leader for the clan until it was destroyed.

·       Obito was training in illusionary magic in another village.

·       When he returned everyone had been killed

·       He was forced to flee since the Uzamaki were seeking him

-        Left with Kanada when cataclysm struck and found an unknown portal called the “stairway of the gods” which transported them around the world, where they would later meet up with Caprica Whitestone and her party of adventures.

·       Really?!  And the what-fors and why-ofs?

-        Obito is fearless and extremely forward for a Kender 

·       Showed fearlessness when using the wand of wonder on the dwarves door

·       Has been bold when in the presence of those who think themselves his betters

-        Curious

-        A talented infiltrator

·       Used his skill to grab the merchants money stash


Material Notes:

-        Has Irda Artifact (only he knows this) A triangle taken from the tomb near the Shadow Dragon’s Layer


-        The red mage who was murdered diary is in his possession


-        Obito has a “Floating Skull” servant.


-        Obito’s Master within the Black Robes is older grey bearded man


Game Notes

-        Passed his “Test” at the Tower of Waywreth on the 19th day of Springs Dawn 8 ac

a.      Lamia Royal over come near Kern

b.      Taresque witnessed (killed by Chomsky’s bomb) and help harvest the remains

c.      Created yet another “Kender blood” reaction to the golem by adding a “Cursed” scroll to it (it was drawing in magic items).  The Golem seemed to detonate.

In 19 AC - Returns to Haven to visit with Skyleaf and Caprica

                - Joins the Anka Party because he is interested in the Kender Lelo

                - Interested in seeing the depths of XakTsroth

                - Amazed that Lelo has traveled to two different "hells".  Also surprised to learn that Eborium was not destroyed by Kite.  Must have been just the portal.

Obito Character Sheet

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