Western Army Camp (Black)

The Western Army Camp

Home to the representatives of the Black Dragon Army.  The Camp currently has a population of about 10,000 troops.  While about half the population is Human, there are also Draconians, in small numbers, and Hill Giants in the Camp area.  Both these groups look down upon the Humans and usually hold higher rank in the Army itself.  This creates a very dangerous environment that is prone to in fighting.  The Army Commanders tend to see this as good practice for war.  The Black Dragon Army offers food rations and tent housing to those selected to join it's rank.  It also offers most of the blacksmithing for Sanction.

The Black Smith's Guild

 - Othar the Raging Bull - Minotaur Smith infamous for his ability to produce masterpieces of dark weaponry.  Rumor has it, the magical axe wielded by the Black Dragon Lord is his creation and enchanted by Sivas Veil.  

The Poison Arrow - Shop specializing in Poisons and Projectiles

     - Elistar the Fallen Branch - A outcast Silvanesti Elf.  She was estranged from her family and cast out of Silvanost for experimenting in poisons which resulted in the death of her own son.

Blades, Bows and Blood - a general weapons shop.  The only thing not available are projectiles as it has been shown to be bad form to cross Elistar.

    - Benigaar - Lemish Merchant 

The Food Coffer - the garrison's canteen.  It offers Gruel and Grog for food twice a day for those enlisted in the Black Dragon Army.