Temple of Luerkhisis

The Temple of Luerkhisis is a large temple located in the northeast part of Sanction, and is carved into the base of Mount Thunderhorn, one of the Lords of Doom. The temple was built in the early part of the Age of Despair, allegedly to honor a volcano god, but in truth it was built by secret followers of Takhisis. The temple was claimed by Verminaard at one point, and is where the lord of the Dragonarmies reside. The dark temple had a series of chambers and altars set beneath ground level, and the upper part of temple is carved to resemble the head of a dragon. The nostrils of the dragon formed the entrance, whilst the two large teeth were observation towers. The outer part of the temple was protected by large iron doors, which kept out most intruders.

Inside the Temple, there are large meeting rooms able to accomodate the Dragon Lords and their enterages in the same area.  Further, there is an alter to the multi-headed Dragon.  There are also the rooms of Corruption where Randal Flagg, Sivas Veil and others corrupt good dragon eggs to create Draconians.