
Shegorath was born in a cottage with my poor family. All his family had to eat was cheese. His father cut him as a punishment and tied me up in the basement. Shegorath ran away from home twice but his father tracked him. He murdered Shegorath's mother. One night Shegorath snuck out of the basement, and killed and ate his father. After the loss of his family, Shegorath found work from the Black Company.

Shegorath encountered a group of Mountain Dwarfs defending a destroyed building in Garnet.  There, he was very forward with a Dwarf who turned out to be a woman.  She instantly decided they were a couple and began following him to the Gates of Kayolin.  Her name is Nadine Greeneye

Nadine Greeneye - First Daughter of Hegar Greeneye, Lord of The Basalt District in Kayolin

During an unplanned excursion into the 9 Hells, Shegorath changed his allegiances from the Great Old One, Nyarlathotep to the powerful Dragon God, Tiamat.  With a clear mind, unburdened by the madness of the Great Old Ones, Shegorath ventures forth to free the Wizard Kite from his imprisonment in Asmodeous' Dungeons.  He is joined by the Imp Alnek who serves Tiamat.  The imp will follow him and ensure he does the will of Tiamat as well as act as a liaison between the God and her thrall.