

The City of Caergoth had been a great Ergothian City prior to Cataclysm.  However, between the forming of the new sea and the chaos within the city, large fires broke out.  Most of the city burned to the ground leaving only the city walls even remotely intact.  As of 8 AC, the city had begun to repopulate with Solamnics fleeing the chaos in their own land.  Slowly, they rebuilt the walls and began to build a port where the old city had been.  Only a few hundred currently call Caergoth home.


Important Statistics:


Population: 35,000

85% Humans (a majority being Solamnic)

10% Dwarfs (Mountain Dwarves from Kayolin)

3% Kender

1% Half Elf and Elf






Inns and Taverns




City Hall and Council


The Hall of Roses – the first building rebuilt in Caergoth, it is the home and offices of the city Elder.  The city elder makes no municipal decisions and is a ceremonial posistion.

a.     Edgar Winstund – City Elder: Retired (City Founder) A Solamnic Knight of the Rose who founded the settlement at Caergoth as a safe-haven for wayward knights.  Unfortunately, years and ale have forced him to retire.

b.     Lockland (Man An Arms) – Lockland trained under Edgar in the years before cataclysm.  He has limited magic skills and currently is in charge of the militia and city guard.  MIA and presumed dead. 8 AC



The Shrine of Chislev

a.     near the foot of the New Sea Cliffs inside Caergoth City Walls, a Half Ogre working with Hob Goblins had taken up residence here.  Duncan eliminates these squatters on the 30th Day of Autumn’s Harvest 7 AC.

b.     The Shrine is hidden in the Cave by the Ocean foot by tightly bound, interwoven tree roots.  Damaging the roots only results in a nearly instant process of regeneration and movement to replace damaged or missing roots. 

c.     Duncan, recognized by the Trees as a friend, is allowed to use the shrine as a place of meditation and study.  He has set up a lab and has been careful not to conduct magics which Chislev would find offensive in any way.

d.     Mavin’s Wolf has taken up residence in the lower reaches of the cave and had accumulated a pack.



Mavin Madea’s Home


a.     Eloise Madea 49 years old– Mother to Mavin, she is a solamnic woman, Black hair, and about 5’4”.  Her slight build is deceiving.  She is a talented herbalist, and has a unique knowledge of the Plains.  Through her intimate relationship with the land, Madea has become a young Ranger in the making.

- She is now on the Town Council and is well respected as a founding Member of the community. 

b.     Mavin Madea (Warden of Caergoth)– Mavin hopes to provide a life for his mother, and himself, free of the shame of his paternal lineage.  He hopes, either by wealth or by deed, he can redeem his family name and lift them from the poverty he has always known.


Fortified Barracks – Built recently by the Dwarves, the Barracks sit on the oceans edge.  The Rotating Trebuchet offers a long-range weapon to help protect the bay.  The new wall was installed to help alleviate the manpower needed to protect the city.  While the rest of the wall is being repaired, it will surround only field and may be left unmanned for the time being.  In the summer of 8ac, two more Trebuchet were built to protect the bay.  The Barracks were expanded.


Home and Estate of Edgar Winstund: after realizing that the laborers had brought with them a new population, who seemed to be settling into life on the coast, Edgar palisade off this area of the city for himself as founder.  Few argued since his wealth and “vision” had been the cause of the good fortune.


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