Verminaard of Nidus

Verminaard as a Death Knight in 17 AC

Verminaard of Nidus was the original Dragon Highlord of the Red Dragon Army during the War of the Lance.  After his defeat at the hands of the Heroes of the Lance, Verminaard was taken by Tahkisis to the Abyss.  There, she had Chemosh raise him as a death knight to serve her.  After the events of The War of the Lance, Tahkisis realized that time had been fractured.  As a result, she was able to time travel to the past as it existed in an alternate timeline.  However, even Gods have limits to their power and must follow certain physical rules of the Universe.  Thus, Tahkisis was only able to transport herself and one other through time.  She chose the Death Knight Verminaard because of his strength, loyalty and cunning.  He would help her to locate a wizard powerful enough to open the moon door and access the stairway of the gods.  


    - Hates all living things as he resents the loss of his own soul.

    - desires to take power in Krynn's past for Tahkisis that he may know vengeance on those who took his mortal life.

Verminaard during Original Timeline

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