Randall Flagg

Randall Flagg was originally expelled from Krynn by a rival just after cataclysm.  That rival, known as Kite, was diverted from this task when he interacted with the Heroes of Haven.  He was killed before he could attack and dispurse Flagg.  Unknown to anyone, Flagg was the originator of the corruption process to create Draconians.  Tahkisis seized on these events to boldly move her plans of conquest forward.  

Flagg is sometimes called The Shapeless One, The Crawling Chaos, The Man in Black and The Faceless Wanderer

Current status Summer's End 19 AC: Being held under suspicion of violating the rules of the Towers of Sorcery in Ankatavanka. (Escaped before the Autumn Harvest)

The Anka Party cut out his tongue to prevent his casting.  The Circle of Magi put a hex on his cell to ensure no magics were used inside.

Randall Flagg escaped from the Ankatavanka Prison.  He simply disappeared from his cell.  One Guard claimed that he was singing the day before, suggesting he had regrown his tong.  The Circle's magics also remain in place despite the Mage's disappearance.

There is a possibility he has appeared as Nuitari in some cases.

There is a possibility he has appeared as Takhisis in some cases.

Tarli Nimblefinger has claimed to have a relationship with Flagg

The last words of the Forrest Master may have been Flagg's real name Nyarlathotep.  Flagg revealed himself to the Anka Party as the one who corrupted Darkenwood and enabled the murder of The Forest Master.

He is unlikely to serve any other God than himself.  He favors true chaos and does nothing which will not further his own amusement and arcane purpose.

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