Tom Weights

Tom Weights


Mother: Valaron Gwynned

Father: Gwynned VI

Adopted by Uthred Gonzakan, aka Howler, shortly after Cataclysm


Cataclysm forces Tom’s Parents to set him adrift as the seas swallowed the very land they called home.  Thankfully, that boat bore him safely to a Ergothian Man of some standing.  Uthred had just begun a journey home as Cataclysm struck and was amazed to find only a ten year old child in a small boat where once had been Southern Ergoth.  He swore to Zeboim he would raise the child as his own in honor of the dead of Southern Ergoth.  When Tom turned 16, he asked to join his adopted father’s growing army.  Uthred denied the request, and Tom swore he would prove his worth as a soldier.  Tom has since seen a little action as a mercenary and traveled to Garnet as part of a guard for a supply transport.


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