Timeline - Ravenloft Events

Jan 16, 385BC - Jan 21, 385 BC (16th Winter's Night, 19AC Krynn Time) 

The Anka Party Events of note in Ravenloft

Party enters the Mist through the fairy circle behind the Living Wall inside the Abandoned Mine of Solace.

Party meets a Gypse Troop that claims Stradd is searching for their leader's daughter.  The Party decides to use this as a distraction to lead Stradd from his castle.  In exchange, they Party promises to take the Leader and his Daughter with them when they leave the Realm.

Party travels to Lord Soth's realm.  There, they learn he has acquired the only known means to leave the realm (in krynn this artifact is known as Nuitari's Mirror), but that Stradd has the control device.

While Traveling to Stradd's castle, Dhalia has a dream of Chislev.  Chislev directs her to seek out the Silver Woman in Ergoth and inform her of the Dragon Armies and the Draconian's origin story.

The Party defeats the Dragon Guarding Stradd's Labratory and manages to collect the controller before fleeing the Castle.  Shadd is killed by the Vampire that is following them around at an opportunistic moment during the dragon fight.

The Party returns with Soth to Krynn.  From Soth's perspective, no significant amount of time has passed on Krynn.  However, the party has been gone for nearly six months.