Cavern of Light

Cavern of Light

Rumored to be the Birth Place of Life.  This place is a convergence of all the Elemental Planes.  Some even believe this is the birth place for all mortal life in the multiverse.  As a result, some Priests and many Druids have attempted to travel to the Cavern.  Sadly, most were never heard from again.  The only Druid to have survived, if you believe legend, was Mug Ruith.  He left his world at the peek of his power to seek the 'source of life'.  Perhaps he still lives in the Cavern.  He is believed to be one of two true priests left on Krynn after the Cataclysm.  Supposedly this is because of the Gods respect for the sanctuary and the fact that Mug was never an original denison of Krynn.