Principal Methods - Trained Combat System

Format = Name: cost - effect 


If you are wearing medium armor, the +2 Dex Modifier cap applies to Dex related feats.  

DM may Award individual abilities as she or he sees fit

Each Ability, unless noted otherwise, is usable once per short rest.

Counter mean prevent damage from a successful attack as described


Principal Method: Kick

Prerequisite: Str 16

+1 to Str

1. Circle Kick: As a Bonus Action - Make an proficient Unarmed Attack on an opponent within 5' of you.  You may add your Strength Modifier to your damage twice instead of once.

2. Flying Kick Leap: (Must be 10' away from target - Ranged Attack 15') as a Bonus Action - Make an Unarmed Attack on an opponent within 15' of you. Gain an extra attack.

3. Backward Kick: As a Reaction - Counter a successful attack. You gain an extra attack. You get an addtional 2d8 Sneak Attack Damage.  Rouges may use their Sneak Attack instead.

Principal Method: Strike

Prerequisite: Str 16 and you are fighting with at least one free hand.

+1 to Str

1. Eagle Iron Fist: as an attack action - On a successful attack, do 2d10 hp damage plus your Strength bonus.  Target is knocked prone.

2. Crushing Blow: as an attack action - Breaks inanimate objects. -2 AC if opponents Armor is medium or heavy armor.

3. Eagle Claw Grasp: as a reaction action - Counter a successful Attack.  You gain an Attack Action. Make a grapple attack against your opponent who just attacked you.


Principal Method: Throw

Prerequisite: Str 16 and you are fighting with at least one free hand

+1 to Str

1. Throw: as a reaction to a successful Melee Attack: you counter the attack by throwing your opponent prone. 

2. Hip Check: as a Bonus Action - Make a Unarmed attack.  If you are successful deal normal unarmed damage.  Your Opponent is knocked prone if it is Large or a smaller size creature.

3. Hurl: as an attack action - make an attack. If you are successful, you hurl your opponent in a direction of your choice.  In most circumstances, this will deal 2d8+ your strength modifier bludgeoning damage.  If your opponent hits another thing, it deals the same damage to that thing.


Principal Method: Block

Prerequisite: Dex 16

+1 to Dex

1. Basic Parry: as a reaction - counters a successful melee attack

2. Parry At All Costs : as a reaction - Blocks a number of Melee or Non-Magical Ranged attacks equal to your Dex Modifier for the remainder of the round. (The Attacks may have been successful or unsuccessful.)

3. Arrow Parry: as an Action - blocks all missile attacks on you and anything within 5' of you for the next round 

Principal Method: Motion

Prerequisite: Dex 16 

+1 to Dex

1. Great Leap: as a Bonus Action or As a Reaction to Avoid a successful Attack - Free jump attack (regular Attack Roll), or disengage, by leaping a long distance. (move 15 feet in any unimpeded direction) or as additional movement beyond normal movement rate.

2. Speed: As an attack action - make a (Dex Modifier + d20)/4 check to gain a maximum of 4 attack actions

3. Slow Resistance: Immune to magical effects which affect your movement or ability to act. (Always On)

Principal Method: Defense Blocking Attacks

Prerequisite: Dex 16 

+1 to Dex

1. Eagle Claw Counter: As a Reaction - Prevent a successful attack.  You catch the weapon or limb with your hand.  You may attempt to disarm your opponent. (D20 + your Dex modifier against an 15 DC)

2. Brushing Counter: As a reaction: you block a successful attack against you by knocking the blow away.

3. Magical Resistance - 1 Legendary Resistance  (You may choose to succeed on a saving throw you failed)

Principal Method: Hardened Core

+1 to Con

1. Resistant Skin: As a Reaction or Bonus Action - Your skin takes on a resistance to any type of damage of your choice.  This effect lasts until your next turn. 

2. Shrug: As a Reaction - You shrug off a successful attack by the shear constitution of your body.

3. Endurance: Add your Constitution Bonus to any Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Check or Save.

Principal Method: Defense Posture

Prerequisite: Constitution 16

+1 to Con

1. All-Around Sight: Can not be back stabbed or surprised by visible creatures. (Always Active)

2. Blind Fighting: No Penalty for fighting Blinded (Always Active)

3. Ironskin: Add Con Bonus to AC when not wearing armor (Always Active when no Armor is worn)(AC = 10+Dex+Con)


Principal Method: Movement

Prerequisite: Con 16 

+1 to Con

1. Fein Injury: as a Bonus Action - you appear injured to your opponent. Gain advantage on your next attack.  You may add your Con bonus to your attack and damage rolls.

2. Stand/Fall - Standing/Becoming Prone requires 5' of movement or a reaction (always active)

3. Immovability:  Any attack that would knock you prone does half damage and does not knock you prone. (Always On)

Principal Method: Lock

Prerequisite: Int 16

+1 to Int

1. Choke Hold: as a bonus action - Make a Grapple Attack.  You may use your Intelligence modifier to this attack and damage rolls.

2. Locking Block: As a reaction - Counter a successful Attack. Roll a d20 and add your intelligence modifier agains a DC of 15

3. Immobilizing Hold: As a Bonus Action - Make a Grapple Attack.  If successful, your opponent is restrained. They do not get a saving throw.  They may attempt to break free with an athletics check as an Action.

Principal Method: Push

Prerequisite: Int 16 

+1 to Int

1. Concentrated Push: As an Attack Action - Make an Unarmed attack against opponent. You are proficient in this attack and may add your Intelligence Modifier to your attack and damage roll.  Opponent is pushed 15' in an unimpeded direction and knocked prone. 

2. Stinging Touch: As a Bonus Action - Make an Unarmed attack against opponent. You are proficient in this attack and may add your Intelligence Modifier to your attack and damage roll. A successful attack gives –2 to target's AC until they can take a short rest.

3. One Finger Push: As a Bonus Action - Make an Unarmed attack against opponent. You are proficient in this attack and may add your Intelligence Modifier to your attack and damage roll. On a successful attack, your opponent is knocked prone.


Principal Method: Interruption

Prerequisite: Int 16 

+1 to Int

1. Strategic Footwork: As a reaction - dodge a melee or ranged attack that was successful.  It misses instead.

2. Focused Assault: As a reaction - you may move up to 15' and attack a target that just attacked you or an ally you can see.  

3. Quick Eye: As a reaction - You make a melee, ranged, or magical ranged attack (magical must be single target and require an attack roll) against a visible enemy within 30' who is casting a spell.  If successful, their spell casting is interrupted (spell fails and slot is used).

Principal Method: Prone Defense

Prerequisite: Wis 16

+1 to Wis

1. Prone Fighting: Suffer no prone penalties to attack rolls (Always Active) 

2. Prone Counter: (if you are prone) as a reaction - counter a successful attack.  Deal your unarmed combat damage instead of taking damage from the attack.

3. Prone Defense: Opponents do not gain advantage when attacking you in a prone position. If you are unarmored, you may add your Wis bonus to your AC when prone. (AC = 10 + Dex + Wis)

Principal Method: Vital Area

Prerequisite: Wis 16 

+1 to Wis

1. Stunning Touch: after a successful attack - you apply a painful touch which slows your opponent, allowing you an extra attack.

2. Paralyzing Touch: as a reaction - counter a successful attack. Gain an extra attack as your opponent becomes paralyzed for a second.

3. Stinging Strike: As a Reaction - Counter a successful Attack. That opponent loses their next action.  If the being has Legendary Resistances, it may choose to use one of these instead

Principle Method: Mental and Physical Training

Prerequisite: Wis 16 

+1 to Wis

1. Bravery: Gain advantage on all Charm and Fear related saving throws (Always Active)

2. Premonition: as a reaction - you may choose to dodge a melee or ranged attack that succeeded

3. Ch'i Attacks: All your attacks hit as if a +3 magical weapon for the purposes of what creatures take damage from attacks.  Your Attacks ignore resistance to Bludgeoning, Slashing and Piercing damage types (Always Active)

Principal Method: Mojo

Prerequisite: Cha 16

+1 to Cha

1. Provoke: as a Reaction - Choose an opponent within 30 feet of you.  That opponent must attack you the next time it takes the Attack Action or take 3d10 + your Cha Modifier in Psychic Damage.

2. Distract: as a Reaction - When an opponent begins casting a spell or using an item within 60 feet of you, you can attempt to distract them.  That opponent must make a Charisma Saving Throw against your Charisma Score.  If they fail, the magic fails or they drop the item.

3. Flourish: as a bonus action - You gain advantage on your next attack roll.  You may add your Charisma Bonus to your next attack and damage rolls.