The Red Dragon Army

The Red Dragon Army

The Red Dragon Army is made up of Draconians and Humans of Ergothian and Lemish decent.

Location: Summer's Run, 18 AC - the majority of the forces have established a camp near Crossing.

Strong Holds:

    - Crossing - While there is a local resistance, the numerous troops and fear inflicted by Red Dragons coming and going maintains a tight control over the area.

    - Pax Tharkas - Used as head quarters and supply fortifications

    - Xak Tsaroth - as a location of mystical power, Randal Flagg had set up a laboratory here for research on inter planar transport.  After his capture, an Elder Red Dragon has taken up protective residence.

Power Structure: The Red Dragon Army has suffered some significant losses at the hands of the Army of Haven

    - Elder Red Dragon - 1


    - Adult Red Dragons - 2

    - at least 4 Younger Dragons

    - Commander of the Red Dragon Army - Verminaard of Nidus

    - Magus of the Red Dragon Army - Randal Flagg (Captured)

    - Man at Arms - 

    - Sargents - Aurak Draconians (Gold) - 11

    - Leutenants - Sivak Draconians (Silver) - 20

    - Infantry - Baaz Draconians (Brass) - 2000:  Lemish Infantry 1000: Ergothian Infantry 1000

    - Recon - Kapak Draconians (Copper) - 71

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