

Though he works in the hearts of all mortals, his favored children are the minotaurs. Minotaurs refer to him as Sargas, who represents power gained through brute strength and held with honor. Sargonnas appears to minotaurs as a gigantic minotaur with either char-black fur or blood-red fur.  Sargonnas is also known to appear as a hunter clad in dark leather armor and wielding two curved knives.

Attributes: Vengeance, destruction, wrath, volcanoes, conquest, rage, fire, deserts, war, strength, and retribution

-        We “dispersed” his personal guard and created a fair amount of havoc in his home.  -        May have stolen some of his personal belongings

-        Being the God of Retribution… Probably gonna see this guy again.

-        We are working (at least for the moment early 8 ac) for his son Nuitari

-        Turns out it was Sargonnas all along who wanted the Cinder Gems

-        He is using them to control Tahkisis for his own purposes

-        We are guessing that He will at least cause Tahkisis’ to slow her return to Krynn plans


Sargonnas w/ Tahkisis


18 AC? - Alternate Timeline - Ankatavaka Party - Sargonnas is betrayed by Tahkisis.  With the help of the Party, she sneaks her servant into Eborium.  Her servant is revealed to be the Tarasque which kills Sargonnas and decimates Eborium.

Sargonnas impersonated Nuitari to convince the Haven Party to recover the Cinder Gems.



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