Tormund Elvesbane

Tormund immediately before the Battle of Havlinost

Tormund was born of a Tarsin Woman who was captured during a village raid.  He was mistreated by the Ogre Tribe he grew up with after his mother died of plague.  When he came of age, Tormund attempted to find his human relatives in Tarsis.  On the road, he met a woman clad in black who offered him a chance to join Howler's men.  Tormund was surrounded with his company during the battle for Havlinost.  The fighting was brutal and Tormund was knocked unconscious.  When he awoke, the battle was over and Howler was dead.  Tormund fled the battle field and hid in near by caves.  As he sat, huddled in the cold, a serpent like voice whispered from the darkness.  "You have done well, young Tormund.  The Black Woman is impressed.  You have impressed me as well and I invite you to join with me.  Together, we will raise an army of shadow to smite those who have struck you down this day."  A great Black Wurm emerged from the darkness.  The Great Wurm looked Tormund directly in the eye and Tormund was instantly convinced to become Jehet's new rider and High Dragonlord of the Black Dragon Army.

Status: High Dragonlord of the Black Dragon Army


        - known prejudice against Elves whom he resents for having defeated his company during the Battle of Havlinost and depriving him of his best opportunity for acceptance among his human relatives.

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