Duncan Crownguard

 Duncan Crownguard 

Duncan traveled to the tiny hovel of Caergoth to help build it into a city of the New Krynn.  He hopes to grow his mastery of Magic and gain lasting fame as a city founder.




A.   Has recently become a understudy of Ethan Dyar. 

B.  As a result of his mentor achieving his transport to another plane, Duncan gained the title Dyar.

C.  Ethan has granted him two magical tattoos to keep his mind safe from the master’s of high sorcery.

a.   In ancient elven, “Sage who practices silence”

b.   In Ancient Elven: “Hidden Minded”

D.  Duncan encountered a Mind Flayer while retrieving the Chain of Pao Lin for Ethan

E.   After gaining controll of Thelgaard, Duncan sucessfully broke the Circle of the Black Thorn

F.   He also participated in the return of the Dragon Orb to The High Cleric’s Tower


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