The Circle Market

While the stalls at Circle Market are claimed on a daily basis, some vendors are more commonly found here than others.

Every Day Vendors

Havard's Bread and Pasteries - the best food available in the city. 

        - Owner: Havard is a Lemish Human

The Ocean's Bottom Salvage Shop - Carries various items acquired from ships coming and going from Sanction's Port

        - Owner: Edgar Halfmarch - He has ties to the city of Ankatavanka and regularly sells loot from various infamous pirate ships that dock in Sanction.  He is a Fence for 'The Floating Skull'.

The Stolen Gnome - a shop of gnomish items which occasionally even offers Chomsky Band items.  These are always at extreme prices due to the inability to directly source from the gnome's themselves. 

        - Owner Grislmemverbotm - Gnome Outcast - His name is hated by all gnomes as he is considered a heretic. Locally, he is called Gris.

Occasional Vendors

The Hooded Mage - the owner's name and face are unknown as a strange darkness veils his face under the hooded cape he always wears when in shop.  He offers magical items, scrolls and minor enchantments.

The Wolf's Bite - Owner:Bess - Ergothian Female - She is a skilled healer and has some access to actual healing magic.  These items are incredibly rare and demand exorbitant prices.

        500 Steel Each - 2d4+2 Mending Potion - This combines an herbal based healing potion with a "Mend Enchantment (Necromancy)" to create a potion that can heal and mend major injuries like broken                                             bones

Almost Never Present

The God's Gifts - a shop specializing in Relics of the old gods and priestly magics.  Again, anything sold here is at a premium.

    1000 Steel - 2d10+5 Healing Potions - Acquired from the Mountain Dwarf Ruins to the North, these are created with the blessings of the Gods and have the ability to Cure Critical Wounds.