S08 Fly Ash as an Alternative Raw Material for Portland Cement Clinker Synthesis

Комљеновић Мирослав

Јовановић Н

Петрашиновић Стојкановић Љиљана

Башчаревић Звездана

Росић Александра

Fly ash from coal fired power plants is a well known industrial waste, which is commonly used as a pozzolanic material in Portland cement production. In this work fly ash from coal fired power plant in Serbia was used as an alternative raw material for Portland cement clinker synthesis. Raw mixtures for Portland cement clinker synthesis were prepared with following cement module: lime saturation factor LSF=98. Sintering process was performed at 1350 and 1400°C. Chemical and mineralogical composition of synthesized clinkers have been compared with industrial ordinary Portland cement clinker. It was established that synthesized Portland cement clinkers based on fly ash have similar properties as the referent clinker. This conclusion highlights the utilization of fly ash as an alternative raw material for commercial Portland cement production.

Key words: Fly ash, Portland cement clinker