72 - loss of innocence

February 17, 1983: Gary Ewing woke up on the Knots Landing beach and learnt that his protegé singer Ciji Dunne (Lisa Hartman) had been found dead not too far away. But Gary, as the soap clichés go, couldn´t remember what he had done the previous night...Other suspects were Richard Avery, who had been jealous of his wife Laura´s friendship with Ciji; Karen´s daughter Diana, who was in love with Ciji´s lover Chip (Michael Sabatino); Chip himself, who had discovered Ciji was pregnant with his baby and wanted her to get an abortion; and also were minor suspects Val (who had visited Ciji and argued with her) and Abby, who thought her fiancé might have been sleeping with Ciji. The next season, the truth came out: it had been Chip who, by then, had ran away with Diana and married her!! The guy himself ended up dead accidentally, after finding Ciji´s deadringer Cathy (also Lisa Hartman) and taking her for her dead lover...

No emitido nunca en España: Gary Ewing se despertaba en la playa de California y descubría que su protegida Ciji Dunne (Lisa Hartman) había sido encontrada muerta no muy lejos de allí. Pero Gary, como mandan los tópicos del género, no podía recordar lo que había hecho la noche anterior...Otros sospechosos eran Richard Avery, celoso de la amistad de su mujer Laura con Ciji; la hija de Karen, Diana, enamorada del amante de Ciji, Chip (Michael Sabatino); el mismo Chip, que había descubierto que ésta estaba embarazada de él y quería que abortase; y también sospechosas eran Val (que había visitado a Ciji y discutido con ella) y Abby, que creía que su prometido se había estado acostando con Ciji. La temporada siguiente, se supo la verdad: había sido Chip que, por entonces, ya se había fugado con Diana y se había casado con ella...El individuo acabó muerto en un accidente, tras encontrar a la doble de Ciji, Cathy (también Lisa Hartman) y pensar que era su amante muerta...