Melamphaus faber (Fabricius, 1787)

Melamphaus faber (Fabricius, 1787) ダイフウシホシカメムシ

  • Original description: Cimex faber Fabricius, 1787

  • Synonym: Melamphaus komodoensis Kiritschenko, 1963

    • Stehelík J L, Kerzhner I M (1999) Zoosystematica Rossica 8: 124–125. syn. n.

Original description 原記載

Fabricius J C (1787) Mantissa insectorvm sistens eorvm species nvper detectas adiectis characteribvs genericis, differentiis specificis, emendationibvs, observationibvs. Tom. I. - pp. I-XX [= 1-20], 1-348. Hafniae. (Proft). (p. 297)


180. faber.

C. oblongus niger, abdomine fusco: Margine flauo, femoribus anticis apice bidentatis.

Habitat in Poulican lor Mus. Dom. Banks.

Magnus. Antennae quadriarticulatae, filiformes, nigrae. Caput, thorax, elytra, alae atra, immaculata. Corpus subtus fuscum abdominis margine flauo et aure marginem puncta tria aut quartuor atra. Pedes atri femoribus anticis apice spinis duabus, vltima maiori.

Geographical distribution in Japan 日本における分布

  • Ishigaki-jima I. (Only one record)

  • 石垣島(1例のみ),本州(福島県:1例のみ)

Literature 文献

  1. Fabricius J C (1787) Mantissa insectorvm sistens eorvm species nvper detectas adiectis characteribvs genericis, differentiis specificis, emendationibvs, observationibvs. Tom. I. - pp. I-XX [= 1-20], 1-348. Hafniae. (Proft). (p. 297) [Link to p. 297] [Link to p. 297]

  2. 江崎 梯三 (1931) 紅頭嶼の異翅半翅類.日本生物地理学会報 2: 209–220. [Esaki T (1931) Hemiptera-Heteroptera von der Insel Botol-Tobago (Kôtôsho), Süd-Formosa. Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan, 2(2): 209–217.]

  3. 石川 忠・高井幹夫・安永智秀/編 (2012) 日本原色カメムシ図鑑第3巻─陸生カメムシ類─.全国農村教育協会,東京.[Ishikawa T, Takai M, Yasunaga T (eds.) (2012) A field guide to Japanese bugs––Terrestrial heterpterans–– III., Zenkoku Noson Kyoiku Kyokai Publishing Co. Ltd., Tokyo.] [Link]

  4. Kerzhner I M (2001) Pyrrhociridae, Pentatomomorpha I. (In Aukema B, Rieger C (eds) (2001) Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Vol. 4, Netherlands Entomological Society), Ponsen & Looijen, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

  5. Miyamoto S, Hayashi M, Kohno K (2003) New records of three pentatomomorphan species (Heteroptera) from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. The Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 9(1): 117-119.

    • 日本における本種の新分布の報告

    • New distribution records of this species in Japan.

  1. 中村 俊彦 (2020) 福島県でダイフウシホシカメムシを採集.月刊むし (593): 59.

  2. Rédei D, Tsai J-F, Yang M-M (2009) Heteropteran Fauna of Taiwan: Cotton Stainers and Relatives (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoroidea). National Chung Hsing University, Taichung. 52 pp. [PDF]

  3. Stehelík J L, Kerzhner I M (1999) On taxonomy and distribution of some Palaearctic and Oriental Largidae and Pyrrhocoridae (Heteroptera). Zoosystematica Rossica 8: 121–128. [link to journal article]