Dysdercus evanescens Distant, 1902

Dysdercus (Paradysdercus) evanescens Distant, 1902 ウスイロアカホシカメムシ(仮称)

Original description 原記載

Distant W L (1902) Rhynchotal notes. XII. Heteroptera: Fam. Pyrrhocoridae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7) 9: 34-45. (p. 43–44)



Dysdercus evanescens, sp. n.

Very pale ochraceous; head anterior area and lateral margins of pronotum, scutellum, lateral and apical margins of corium, and legs reddish ochraceous; antennæ and a small round spot on the disk of corium black; body beneath pale ochraceous; lateral margins of sternum, prosternum with a spot behind the area of each eye connected woth a narrow transverse line, anterior area of mesosterunum, a large lateral spot to metasternum, and anterior areas of abdominal segments redish ochraceous; abdomincal marginal incisures very narrowly black; membrane pale brownish. Prosternum coaesely and roughly punctate, pronotum and corium thickly punctate, the last most finely so.

Long. 17–20 millim.

Hab. Sikhim: Mungphu (Atkins. Coll., Brit. Mus., and Coll. Dist.). Khasia and Garo Hills (Coll. Dist.).

In some specimens the pale ochraceous colorlation is unifromly replaced by reddish ochraceous. The species may also be recognized by its large size, pale membrane, &c.

 Sa Pa, Viet Nam

(Collection in National Institute for Agr-Environmental Sciences)

Geographical distribution in Japan 日本における分布

Literature 文献