Armatillus verrucosus Distant, 1908

Armatillus verrucosus Distant, 1908 ダルマホシカメムシ

  • Original description(原記載): Armatillus verrucosus Distant, 1908

Original Description 原記載

Distant W L (1908) The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota. Vol. IV. Homoptera and Appendix (Pt.).: i-xv, 265-501 (p.432–433)


Subfamily PENTATOMINÆ. (Vol. I, p. 109.)

Genus ARMATILLUS, nov.

Type, A. verrucosus, Dist.

Distribution. Burma.

Head broad, depressed, subtriagular, the central lobe prominent and slightly projecting; antennae four-jointed, first joint longest, a little longer than fourth, second longer than third; rostrum short, about reaching the intermediate coxæ, basal joint enclosed in a canal on the under surfaceof the head; pronotum transverse, narrowed anteriorly, a transverse callous ridge on anterior area, auterior and posterior margins truncate; sctellum small, subtriagular; corium roundly, deflected on each side; membrane small, not reaching abdominal apex, with a basal cell beyond which the veins are somewhat coarce and longitudinal; abdomen beneath convex, the masal segments sinuate; femora moderately thickend.

Armatillus in this enumeration may be placed at the commencement of the subfamily Pentatominæ; it does not fall in with any of the divisions I have used, and it is unnecessaty to propose one for its reception.

2711. Armatillus verrucosus, sp. n.

Dull black; eyes, two small spots near apex of corium, and the legs testaceous; tarsi ochraceous; head thickly finely granulose; pronotum rugulose and puctate, the transverse callous ridge on anterior area almost smooth; scutellum transversly wrinkled; corium very coarsely punctate; body beneath very finely pilose; other characters as in generie diagnosis.

Length 4 to 5 mm.

Hab, Burma; Bhamo (Coll. Dist.).

Ishigaki-jima I., the Ryukuyus, Japan (in the laboratory)

Geographical distribution in Japan 日本における分布

  • Ishigaki-jima I, Iriomote-jima I. (Yaeyama Is.)

  • 石垣島、西表島(八重山諸島)

Literature 文献

  1. Distant W L (1908) The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota. Vol. IV. Homoptera and Appendix (Pt.).: i-xv, 265-501 [link to front page] [link to pp. 432–433]

  2. Hsiao T Y (1964) Rerults of the zoologico-botanical expedition to Southwest China 1955–1957 (Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae and Largidae). Acta Entomologica sinica 13: 401–406.

  3. 石川 忠・高井幹夫・安永智秀/編 (2012) 日本原色カメムシ図鑑第3巻─陸生カメムシ類─.全国農村教育協会,東京.[Ishikawa T, Takai M, Yasunaga T (eds.) (2012) A field guide to Japanese bugs––Terrestrial heterpterans–– III., Zenkoku Noson Kyoiku Kyokai Publishing Co. Ltd., Tokyo.] [Link]

  4. Kerzhner I M (2001) Pyrrhociridae, Pentatomomorpha I. (In Aukema B, Rieger C (eds) (2001) Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Vol. 4, Netherlands Entomological Society), Ponsen & Looijen, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

  5. 河野勝行 (2009) アカホシカメムシ類とそれらの特異的捕食者ベニホシカメムシに関する生態学的研究.野菜茶業研究所研究報告 8: 15-100. [Kohno K (2009) Ecological studies on Dysdercus true bugs (Heteropera, Pyrrhocoridae) and their specific predator Antilochus coqueberti (Heteropera, Pyrrhocoridae). Bulletin of the National Institue of Vegetable and Tea Science 8: 15-100.] [PDF]

  6. Miyamoto S, Hayashi M, Kohno K (2005) New records of three pentatomomorphan bugs Heteroptera from Japan. Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 11(1): 11-13.