Dualities and Societies

In later 1990s I lived in San Francisco area and worked at Oracle. I found a society that combined inputs to achieve the best possible outcome. They had technology and the arts. They had science and spirituality. They had nature and civilization. They had freedom and safety. All in all it was the best place I’ve ever seen.

Dualities have been dealt with in many different ways. Some want to combine them; others want to play them off against one another; others want to use one side to destroy or conquer the other. I propose that there is a way to deal with dualities to achieve the optimal. I propose leaving the sides to do their work, with the sides working with one another in the way of synthesis within the framework of checks and balance.

That way, there will be completed the best optimal scenario. Each side, in affirming its prerogatives, will stand up to the wrong things that the other side does. And both sides, in practicing checks and balance, will attain what each other cannot do without it. There will be checks on wrong practices and support for positive practices. Good will be maximized, ill will be minimized. And the two modes of thinking that have created superpowers in the last century – synthesis and checks and balances – will find their expression in a situation that combines both methods in the best possible way.

A mistake that is frequently made is that of seeing anything that is a part of a duality as enemy of one another. That is wrong. Everything human can go right or go wrong. You don’t need to hate America in order to love France. You don’t need to hate Iran in order to love Israel. You don’t need to hate Ukraine in order to love Russia. The world – particularly parts of it – can be expected to continue to exist. What matters is what form. The correct way to deal with this situation is seeing what needs to be done in every given place to make it the best it can be. That may require some constructive criticism; however that appears to be an important part of the process. It is not about “America-bashing” or anti-Semitism or feminism or misogyny or hatred of the black people. It is about seeing where problems are and fixing them.

See where problems are; then see where solutions are. It’s not about whining or blaming or power-tripping if it leads to real solutions. Problems, to be fixed, first have to be seen. Doing that is not weakness or lack of responsibility. It is an inextricable part of the process of fixing things.

I see more application of intelligence toward achieving solutions to the problems of the world. The result will be better places and better world.