Highly Attractive Women And Society

A woman on the Internet once told me that the women who are highly attractive do the wrong thing by society.

No, they are doing precisely the right thing by society. They create an inspiration and a challenge. They show how good things can be when things are done right.

So we have many women attacking women who are kinder and prettier than themselves. What I have to tell them is this. If you want equality with men, you are going to encourage positive qualities in women instead of attacking them. The Western man did not become the ruler of the world by attacking winning qualities but by cultivating them. And if you want equality with men, you will also encourage positive qualities in your own gender.

There are many people who think that attractive women are stupid and weak. Don’t tell that to Russian women. They are at least as smart and as strong as any American feminist, and they don’t attack good qualities in one another.

I refuse for this to be a world in which a woman’s only options are either getting knocked around by some creep or getting attacked by nasty women for having virtues that they don’t have. Both patriarchy and matriarchy are wrong. Both men and women can be terrible. Both men and women can also be good. It makes no sense to side with one gender against the other, but with those in each gender who are willing to act wisely and kindly against those who aren’t.

If you want to go to the Bible, you can go to the story of Esther. She was very beautiful. She was also conscientious and strong. There is nothing incompatible between such things. And there are many beautiful women who are strong and conscientious.

As anyone who’s dealt with Russian women would know.

Is beauty the only good quality in women? By no means. But it is one of them. It is wrong to indulge greed and hatred of women who don’t want to strive for good qualities by attacking women who do. This most certainly the case with such things as character. It is also the case with such things as beauty.

The highly attractive women I’ve known were better, not worse, people than women who are against beauty. They bore these women no ill will and were in many cases even willing to go far out of their way to help them. Equating greed and hatred with goodness or spirituality does violence to goodness and spirituality. The value itself gets tarnished with its misuse.

If you think that there is incompatibility between these qualities, you need to meet more Russian women. These women pose refutation by counterexample to the claims of the anti-beauty types. Here are women who have many good qualities altogether.

These women stand to correct the wrong claims that have come out of feminism. And I hope that more Western men have the experience of such women so that they know how good women can be. Then these men will be less likely to become misogynistic and more likely to be good to women. And women stand to gain greatly from that.