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Abuses in name of reason
Woman and Life
Woman and Life
Family Values And Family Abuses
Anger and Energies
A Case For International Relationships
Idolatry And Love
Clarity and Change
Orientation Toward Self And Others
Women Who Want To Be Men
Liberalism And Rebellion
Villains in Movies
Religion, Science and Mysticism
Social Harmony and Innovation
Making a Stance For Beauty
Gangsters and the Black Identity
Self-Love and Self-Esteem
Improvement and Degradation
What Actually Forms Economic Demand?
1960s and 1920s
Stimulating Demand for the Arts
Personal Development
Victor Frankl and Elie Wiesel
Pornography and Rape
Tomboys and Feminism
Why Doesn't Anyone Paint Normally?
Are Feelings Good Or Are They Bad?
"The Proof Is In The Pudding"
Christianity and Bigotry
Texas Conservatives and Puritans
Who Does the Real Work?
Beliefs and Character
Promiscuity and Compassion
Compassion and Righteousness
Generation X and Libertarianism
Anarchic Temperament and Democracy
Africa and Homosexuality
"Too Much of a Good Thing"
Tolerance And Multiculturalism
Being Equal And Being Special
Youth Rebellion: Values And Misuses Of Values
Divorce and Sociopaths
Definitions of Work
"Traditional Female Role"
Male Sports and Female Nudity
Strippers and Relationships
Who Hates Society?
Four Kinds Of Women
On Arrogance
Demonization of Beauty
Netanyahu And Putin
Narcissism And Obsessiveness
Narcissism And Obsessiveness
Love And Family
Karma, Privilege and Wisdom
Bill Clinton And Accusations
On Guns
Is The Internet World Imaginary?
Kindness and Strength
Baby Booms and Social Upheavals
American Right, Prosperity and Morality
Marriage Breakdown and Marriage Expectations
Family and Freedom
Is Ego Bad?
Self-Esteem and Personal Goodness
Dualities and Societies
Errors In The Youth Rebellions
Romantic Love And Arranged Marriages
Is Sex Good Or Bad?
What Person Is Better Than Another?
Is Love Powerful?
Homosexuality and Incest
Romantic Love and Arranged Marriages
Evil and Confusion
"Christian Domestic Discipline" And Control
How Satan Works
Tyrannical Parenting and Democracy
Are you responsible for everything that happens to you?
Lessons from Communism
Being Conflicted vs. Being Ignorant
Bill Clinton, Eminem and Domestic Violence
Philosophy And The Working Man
Feminism And Family
Career-minded women and family-minded women
Allopathic Medicine and Alternative Medicine
Demonization of Sex Offenders
The Valid and the Invalid
Baby Boomers And Their Music
Confronting Abuse
"Sickos" And "Psychos"
Sexual Immorality And Incest
Hippies And The New Agers
Untitled page
Do Weak Men Create Hard Times?
Putin And Russia's Social Problems
"Putting A Woman Up On A Pedestal"
Cultural Goodness And Absolute Goodness
The Errors Of Margaret Thatcher
"Victim Mentality"
Confusion In Liberalism
Philosophy And Parenting
Misogyny And Character
Nature And Choice
Parents Who Think That Their Children Are Bad
Society And Corruption
Business And Culture
God's Will And Our Desires
The Best Of All Worlds
Ignorance And Satan
Men Who Think That Women Are Bad
When Does Human Life Begin?
Love: A Feeling And A Choice
Wisdom And Suffering
Righteousness And The World
Good Feminism And Bad Feminism
Insight And Responsibility
Putting Into Perspective
Beings Of Choice
Beauty And Utility
Turn Mental Patients Into Saints
Government And Checks And Balances
Government And Checks And Balances
Feminists And Father's Lobby
Communism And Ethics
Misconceptions About Love
Positive Middle Path
Misogyny And Control
Aristotle And Freud
Choice, Nature and Personality Disorders
Knowledge And Power
Imagination And Satan
Are Women Stupid Or Are They Smart?
"Thinking Outside The Box"
Fanaticism And Wisdom
Intellectuals And Arrogance
Highly Attractive Women And Society
The Jailers
Racism, Misogyny And Romantic Attitudes
Culture And Snobs
Western Philosophy And Human Nature
Western Philosophy And Human Nature
Society And Wisdom
Are Women Stupid Or Are They Smart?
Self-Centeredness And Other-Centeredness
Work And Spirituality
"Winners And Losers"
Feminism And Intelligence
Violence And Character
Abuse And Self-Esteem
Privilege And Bullying
Artistic Women and Narcissism
On Parenting
Hypocrisy Of The Enemies Of Science
America And World War II Generation
Karma And Privilege
Climate Change And "New World Order"
"Believing In Yourself"
Exploration And The Western Civilization
Self-Centeredness And Wisdom
A Better Concept Of Responsibility
Reagan Republicans And Bill Clinton
Schools, Punks And People Skills
Are Liberals Or Conservatives Bad People?
Bill Clinton, Eminem And Domestic Violence
God, Science And Mother Nature
"Forcing Your Will On The World"
Untitled page
Cruelty And Unsustainability
Socialism and Valid Liberal Causes
Inner-Directed Effort and Outer-Directed Effort
Humanitarianism, Christianity And Existential Despair
Forgiveness And Understanding
The Legacy For Baby Boomers
Are The Old Hippies Selfish?
Liberalism and Academia
A Christian Case For Environmentalism
Psychology and God
Christianity and Hypocrisy
Tyrannical Family Arrangements and Democracy
Which Men And Women Are Truly Bad?
Errors Of "Realists"
Psychology And Redemption Of Sinners
What It Means To Be A Good Person
Reason And Abuses Of Reason
Bohemian Grove and Private Tyranny
On Postmodernism
On Hatred
"Tending To Your Own Garden"
Social Conservatives and Government Overreach
Is Beauty Illusory?
Material Reality and Metaphysical Reality
The Tale Of Two Cities
Nature, Civilization and the Incas
Middle East and the Government
Errors Of The New Age
Checks And Balances On Societies
Character And Choice
Nazis and Demonization
Jews, Racism and Artificial Blindness
Eugenics, Mental Illness And Reproduction
What Racism Is And What It Isn't
Who Really Is Lacking In Empathy?
Who Can Afford Not To Care About Politics?
Why We Need Free Speech
Philosophy And Parenting
Sex Industry, Exploitation And Capitalism
Ingredients Of Courage
Is The Human Nature Sin?
Love and Expectations
Arrogance and Reality
Righteousness and Abuse
Exploration And The Western Civilization
Narcissism and Intolerance
Social Conservatism and Social Contract
"New World Order"
Love And World War II Generation
Traumatization and Sex
Relationships And Character
"Honor Thy Father And Mother"
Planning Life vs. Being Open to Life
"Honor Thy Father And Mother"
Materialist Fundamentalism and Religious Fundamentalism
"The Things Of The World"
Government And Private Tyranny
Yuppies and Responsibility
Art, Supply and Demand
Hippies and Morality
Service and Power
False Satans In Politics
Survivors and Wisdom
Vindicating the Government
Positive Thinking And Problems Of The World
Science, Religion and Arrogance
Is Self The Only Tning You Can Change?
Arrogance And Professions
Analyzing Psychological Theories
Are Women Wild?
Feminism And The Western Cultural Legacy
Rebellion And Arrogance
Rebellion and Philosophy
Real Poverty and Perceived Poverty
Bill Clinton and Character
Universal Love and Romantic Love
On Arrogance
Elites and Good People
Errors of Black People and Feminists
Criticism And Ill Will
Socialism and Human Nature
Irresponsible Behavior and Misogyny
Is Pride The Worst Thing In The World?
Excellence and Feminism
Misperceptions And Truth
Right and Wrong in Japanese Culture
Good Sexism and Bad Sexism
Romantic Love and Arranged Marriages
Business and Culture
Love and Bhakti Yoga
Universal Love and Romantic Love
Texas Manhood and Texas Womanhood
The German People's Unfriendliness Problem
Domestic Violence and Self-Control
Philosophers, Mystics and Arrogance
Altruism and Self-Interest
Hippies and Responsibility
Bureaucracy and Corporations
Gurus and Families
Perfectionism and Misogyny
Loving God and Fearing God
On Tolerance
Men's Expectations and Feminists' Expectations
Feminism And Fairy Tales
"Living On Earth"
Do Sociopaths And Narcissists Own Cruelty?
Immigrants And "Black Rednecks"
Is Liberalism Based On Emotions?
Synthesis of Capitalism and Socialism
"Black Rednecks" and Harlem Renaissance
"Common Sense," Logic, and the Hippies
"Dangerous Individuals"
"Family Values" and America's Greatness
"Ideology Of Mass Consumption"
"Inadequate" - At What?
"Money Talks, Bullsh*t Walks"
"Nerds" and "Jocks"
"Nobody Ever Changes"
"Perversion" And Tyranny
"Posers" And Choice
"Posers," "Pretentions" and Cultural Growth
"Self-Esteem" And "Law Of Attraction"
"Sex Objects" And "Sex Predators"
"Skeptics," Science, Spirituality and Religion
"Stereotypes" and "Generalizations"
"Strong Black Sisters" and Feminism
"The Final Secret"
"Them Damn Jews" And Your Honor Student
A Better Concept Of Family Values
A Better Concept Of Responsibility
Absolute Beauty and Relative Beauty
Abusers and Rackets
Addressing Deniers Of Global Warming
Adler, Freud, New Age, Personality Psychology: Discarding the Bath Water
Against Islam. Knowingly.
Alt-Right: WASPs and Jews
Altruism and Beauty
Altruism And Self-Esteem
America and Elites
America's Relationship With Power And Success
Analysis and Experience
Analyzing Ayn Rand
Analyzing the Source
Anger and Righteousness
Antisemitism: Subset-Superset Fallacy
Antisemitism: Subset-Superset Fallacy
Appreciation And Happiness
Are Do-Gooders Truly Arrogant?
Are Love And Hatred Really About You?
Art and Realism
Artists and Arrogance
Artists and Snobbery
Demonization of Beauty
Social Harmony and Innovation
Movies and Villains
Demonization of Loved Ones
Religion, Science and Mysticism
Liberalism and Rebellion
Attractive Women, Wealthy Men And Morality
Baby Boomer Parents And Meaning
Baby Boomers vs. Gen-Xers: Feeling vs. Thinking
Beauty and Its Abuses
Beauty And Value
Beauty, Feminism and the Arts
Racism, Jews And Artificial Blindness
Being Played For Fools
Benign Patriotism and Malignant Patriotism
Besting Conservatives At Their Game
Better Relationships: Soft Power And Hard Power
Bible And The Jews
Big Government Vs. Small Government
Bringing Sanity to Gender Relations
Brittney Spears Syndrome And Kevin Federline Syndrome
Bullying, Immigration And Race
Bunnies, Turtles And Wolves In Sheep's Clothing
Business and Government
Can Artists And Engineers Get Along?
Capitalism And Environmentalism
Case Against The Draft
Challenges For Liberals And Conservatives
Change and Choice
Changing Yourself Vs. Changing The World
Character And Conviction
Class Struggles And Teenage Abuse
Combining Functions To Achieve Wisdom And Peace
Communism and the Rest of Human Nature
Communitarianism and Corruption
Complaining Vs. Analysis
Conformity And Feminism
Confronting Antisemitism
Confronting Both Feminism And Misogyny
Confucianism And Communism
Consciousness, Social Norms and Reality
Constitutional Pharisees
Correcting Errors in Classical Economics
Cossacks and Cowboys
Costs and Benefits of Globalization
Credibility And Money
Credibility And Money
Credibility and Originality
Cultural Blossoming and Donald Trump
Cynicism And Christ
Debunking Beliefs That Add to Domestic Violence
Deconstructing Gender War
Defeating Islamic Militants
Defending and Restoring Poetry and Philosophy
Definitions of Reality
Demonization And Dehumanization Of Sex Offenders
Dialectic and History
Do Countries Deserve Their Governments?
Do Ends Justify the Means?
Do You Really Dislike Others For Your Own Traits?
Economic Interest and Personal Interest
Education vs. Business
Ego And Responsibility
Elie Wiesel, Victor Frankl And Positive Attitude
Emotional Intelligence, Jews And Success
Empiricism and Kant
Equality, Elites and the Arts
Ethnic Conflicts and Actual Respect
Europeans and Jews: Trading Places
Existents and Dualities
Exonerating "Perverts"
Exonerating Clinton And Nixon
Fairy Tales And Political Correctness
False Gods And False Satans
Family And Incest
Family, Jim Morrison And Eminem
Fascism in Psychology
Father Vs. Teacher
Fear and Responsibility
Feeling People And Thinking People
Female Establishments: Coercion toward Loserhood
Feminism and Exploitation
Feminism And John Stuart Mill
Feminism and Respect
Feminism and the Western Civilization
Feminism And Western Civilization
Focus In Love And Hate
Focus In Love And Hatred
France and America: Critic and Doer
From Militant Atheism To Christ
From Political Correctness To Real Intelligence
Gangsters, Despots, Cowboys and Definitions of Strength
Gender Warriors Vs. Everyone Else
Getting Poison Out Of One's Mind
H. L. Mencken: Yet Another Idiot
Happiness Growth And Expectation Inflation
Heroism, Altruism And Love
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
Holocaust Revisionism and Nazism
Humanitarianism and Evil
Immigration and Honesty
In Praise Of Swedes
Incentivizing Goodwill
Inner Beauty And Outer Beauty
Intercultural Relationships And Better World
Iranian Bluster And Iranian Destiny
Is Beauty Incompatible With Spirituality And Practicality?
Is Beauty Incompatible With Spirituality And Practicality?
Is Donald Trump A Misogynist?
Is Only What You Do Important?
Is The Government The Great Satan?
Jews and Arrogance
Jews And Feminists
Jews and Jesus
Jim Morrison, Eminem And Universal Truth
Justified Anger And Misuses Of Spirituality
Karma and God
Kicking Iago In The Teeth
Knowledge, Responsibility and American Values
Libertarianism and Corruption
Libertarianism and Private Corruption
Link Between Feminism And Obesity
Logic, Religion and Spiritual Experience
Love and Anger
Love and the Baby Boomers
Loving Yourself And Loving Others: What Comes First?
Marx and Reagan
Mastering The Previous Level
Metaphor and Humor
Metaphor For Western Civilization
Michael Jackson, Racism And Misogyny
Misconceptions About Christianity
Misconceptions About Love
Misreadings Of Evolution
Muslims, Russians, Hindus and Feminism
My Misgivings About the Golden Rule
Naivete and Misanthropy
Naivete and Misanthropy
Naivete and Misanthropy
Narcissism And Hysterias
Narcissism And Hysterias
Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Dr. Sam Vaknin
Natural Consequences And Artificial Consequences
Nature and Civilization
Nature, Civilization And The Incas
Nature, Civilization and Smart Energy
Natures And Their Potentials
Negative Qualities And Positive Potentials
Nixon, Federline And The High-Born
No, It Is Not In The Eye
Novelty And Beaten Paths
Obesity And Overconsumption
Olympia Snowe Republicans and a Biophilic Alliance
On Altruism
On Being "Grandiose"
On Sacrifice
On Structure And Limitation
Optimism And Pessimism
Originality and Improvement
Pat Robertson, James Randi, and the New Age
Paul, Mohammad and Principled Loyalty
Personality Disorders, Evil and Choice
Personality Disorders, Evil and Choice
Personality Psychology And Character
Philosophy And The Creative Process
Police Brutality And Respect For The Law
Political Correctness and Donald Trump
Political Correctness and Real Intelligence
Positive Thinking, Analytical Thinking, and the Arts
Positive Thinking, Salesmen and Engineers
Power and Community
Predatory Behavior In Men And Women
Principled Loyalty
Professions and Ways of Thinking
Prosperity and Science
Psychologists: Improve People's Character, Not Self-Esteem
Psychology and Religion
Psychopaths And Free Will
Public Power and Private Power
Qualities And Their Potentials
Rape And Martial Arts
Rationalism vs. Romanticism
Rationality And Love
Rationality And Love
Real Laws and Usurpatory Dictates
Real Tolerance and Real Respect
Real World: Nature And Civilization
Real-World Solution to Gender War
Reality And Spirituality
Rebellion And Personality Disorders
Redeeming Love
Rednecks And Hippies
Reflected Glory And Great Men
Reflected Greatness And Actual Greatness
Refuting Marxism Once And For All
Refuting Political Correctness
Regionalism and Freedom to Roam
Relativism and Ignorance
Religion, Occultism and Psychology
Removing the Beam From One's Eye
Respecting Parents And Teachers
Responsibility And "Positive Thinking"
Responsibility and Counselors
Responsibility and Externalization of Costs
Responsibility and the New Age
Resurrecting Poetry
Romantic Love And Family Values
Romanticism And Misuses Of Reason
Romanticism and Third Wave Feminism
Rules and Sociopaths
Russia and China: Who is more worthy of respect?
Russian Mafia and Russian Doctors
Russian Rudeness and Russian History
Saving Souls And Saving The World
Saving Souls And Saving The World
Self-Esteem And God-Esteem
Self-Esteem, Narcissism, Cats and Dogs
Self-Love And Character
Self-Love And Self-Improvement
Send Gangsters To Africa
Sensitivity And Macho
Serial Killers, Personality Disorders and Choice
Sex Cultures And Romantic Love
Sociopaths And Common Sense
Sociopaths and More Informed Conscience
Soul and Ego
Sources Of Wrong
Strength, Ethics And Self-Control
Stupidity of Eminem
Sympathy For Baby Boomer Women
Synthesis and Checks And Balances
The Foolish Concept of Adequacy
The Error Of Fascists And Libertarians
The Error Of Personality Disorders
The Errors Of Baby Boomers
The Errors Of Sam Vaknin
The Errors Of Third Wave Feminists
The Evil Concept Of Adequacy
The False Virtue of "Normalcy"
The Fooled Generation
The Foolishness Of Political Correctness
Righteousness and Abuse
The Gender War Is The Problem
The Gender War Is The Problem
The Iago Element In Society
The Inspired And The Methodical
The Jocks And The Nerds
The Logic Of The Curve
The Perfect Mirror
The Player Hell
The Rational Stance On Gender
The Role Of Science In Prosperity
The Spiral Of The Civilization
The Task For Contemporary Intellectual
The Unsung Heroes Of Economics
The West's Moral Superiority to Islam
Thinking And Feeling: Mutual Virtue Or Mutual Sin
Thinking, Feeling, and Paths to Wisdom
Third Wave Feminists And African Big Men
Third Wave Feminists And African Big Men
To Hell With Positive And Negative Thinking
Today's Young People And Selfishness
Troubled Families And Government Care
Trust and Principle
Types of Abusers
Types Of Learning
Unwritten Rules And Hidden Tyranny
Uses and Misuses of Values
Valued Dualities and Non-Valued Dualities
Values And Abuses Of Values
Values, Bullying And Rebellion
Vindicating Love
Vindicating The Obsessives
Violent Criminals and Australian Manhood
Vysotsky, Empathy and Self-Esteem
War And Economics
Were Baby Boomers Really the Worst?
What Do You Mean By Equality?
What Is The Root Of Taste?
What Motivates Whom
What Reality Is And What It Isn't
What Really Is Whose Responsibility?
What Russia Has To Offer America
What We As Jews Have To Do
When Your Profession's Standards Do Not Apply
Where Bible Is Not Clear
Where Is Your Reality Marker?
Where Is Your Reality Marker?
Where Self-Esteem Movement Has Gone Wrong
Why Beauty Is Not Shallow
Why Clean Energy Is Good For Business, Family And God
Why Domestic Violence Should Be a Conservative Cause
Why My Own Salvation Is Not Enough
Why So Many People Hate Poetry
Win-Win Scenarios And Greater Strength
Wisdom and Faith
Wrong Helping Approaches
Wrong Lessons Of Ancient Greeks
Wrong Thought On Relationships
Wrongful Demands And Wrongful Concepts Of Mental Health
Yugoslavia and Political Correctness
“Strong Black Sisters” And Feminism
Credibility And Money
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