Homosexuality and Incest

I have known a number of homosexuals of both genders. It appears that they have the same feelings for one another as we haver for our women. Sometimes it is just lust, but I have also seen very loving and very genuine relationships among homosexuals, and I believe that such relationships are worthy of respect.

For people who want to prosecute such relationships, the correct question to ask is “why does this matter to you?” The sexual behavior of consenting adults is nobody’s business. It is not the business of government; small government is not government that dictates to people their sexual behavior. It is not the business of society; society can go on regardless of whether there is homosexuality in it. And it is not the business of family or family values; homosexuals threaten or coerce nobody, and people can have their families regardless of whether or not there are homosexuals in society.

Now there are some who prosecute homosexuality because it is sexual immorality. Yet these people do nothing to confront a much worse form of sexual immorality – incest. Unlike consenting adults, in these situations the children have not made an informed and valid choice as to having sex with the perpetrator. In many cases, the government’s attempts to fight incest get seen as government overreach and government tyranny. But it is much greater tyranny to control sexual behavior of consenting adults than to fight crimes against children.

Of course the same is the case for the rest of what is regarded as sexual immorality.  The people who are most adamant in prosecuting sexual immorality completely ignore the worst form of sexual immorality – incest. They want to control private behavior of consenting adults, but they do nothing to protect children. And that makes these people hypocrites and pests.

Now I do not see a reason to respect relationships solely based on lust; but I do see reason to respect relationships when they are actually loving. And I have seen that in both straight people and gay people. It may be a sin for them to do what they do; but it says in the Bible that love covers a range of sins. And when these people have loving relationships, this should be respected.

As for society, it benefits the most when people find what works for themselves and one another. And unusual relationships can be a path toward that end. Love can be found in all sorts of unexpected places. So can wrongdoing. It is important to keep eyes open for what good people come up with and see it for what it is.