Men Who Think That Women Are Bad

There are many men who think that women are bad. What these men need to understand is that women are not a unified entity, and there are all sorts of different women doing all sorts of different things. It is wrong to punish people for the sins of people whom they don’t know and over whom they have had no influence.

Your wife is not Andrea Dworkin. You should be grateful that you wife is not Andrea Dworkin. Bad women avoid such men like the plague. The women whom they do have in their lives are good ones. And it is wrong that these women be mistreated.

Basically, these men are a bunch of brats. They don’t appreciate what they have with their women. They haven’t had to deal with women who are actually bad. They need to know more women like Andrea Dworkin. That way they will appreciate what they have with their wives and will be less likely to mistreat them.

As a Jew, I refuse to be blamed for the actions of people like Karl Marx and Harvey Weinstein. I had no influence on these people; I am not responsible for their misdeeds. Most women are likewise not responsible for the actions of people such as Andrea Dworkin. If you have a problem with Andrea Dworkin, address it with Andrea Dworkin. Do not take it out on your wife.

Women, like men, are beings capable of choice. And anything capable of choice can be good or bad. There will be many women who take a bad path; there will also be many women who take a better path. It is important that each woman be seen for who she individually is and treated accordingly.

What I want to tell these men is that the reason that a woman is with them is that she loves them, and that it is wrong to reward someone for loving you by treating her like dirt. The signal this sends to the world is that one shouldn’t be loved. The more men are jerks to their wives, the stronger becomes the case for militant feminism. And that doesn’t benefit men one bit.

There were many people vilifying my former wife; but she is a good person. She never tried to stand between me and my daughter, and she never tried to alienate her from me. I have been vilified myself, but I was never violent or abusive to either of them. Some men think that a woman will not respect a man unless he controls her. She has respect for me and none for the men in her past who tried to do that.

I am not in a position to be with every woman in the world. I am however in a position to influence other men toward better attitudes and better behavior. Women are not a unified entity. There are good ones and there are bad ones. If you’re with a bad woman, leave her. If you’re with a good woman, appreciate her and treat her right.