Is The Human Nature Sin?

We see any number of people in Christianity saying that human nature is sin. That would extend to the totality of human nature, including such things as social interest, financial interest and status interest. Which means that it is a meaningless argument to make. Whether we see the totality of human nature as sin, or the totality of human nature as not sin, we still see the totality of human nature.

Whether we see it all as sin or whether we see it all as not sin, therefore has no implication on how it is to be treated. In either case, everything in it is equal – either in mutual virtue or in mutual sin. Which means that the correct way to deal with it is to see it for the totality of what it is and act accordingly.

But what we see in people who believe such things is extolling some aspects of human nature while condemning others. Most frequently the sexual and the intellectual interest is condemned, whereas the social and status interest is extolled. This creates a population of Pharisees who use God for social status climbing while having no love either for God or for other people. And that puts a lie to their claim that they are serving God.

Is human nature sin? If it is, once again, that extends to the totality of what people do, including social interest and status interest. And if it is not, then that likewise extends to the totality of what people do.

So what we are seeing here is picking among aspects of human nature. Some aspects of human nature are extolled and others are condemned. That leads to hypocrisy, and it is correct that such self-proclaimed Christians be regarded as hypocrites. Either it’s all sin, in which case this extends as much to what these people do as it is to what the people whom they attack do; or none of it is sin. In either case, these people are wrong, and more people need to understand that and act accordingly.