142. Info Retrieval

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Retrieving Information


1. How does information gathering work?

Your entire being receives information constantly. Your physical, Astral, and Mental bodies (also called your lower bodies) absorb all kinds of energies, facts, messages, and observations. You are inundated by an endless supply of information.

In this physical life, your neural network is key to how you process this input. It acts like a satellite dish for catching physical energies and detecting physical objects anywhere in the world.

Your Astral Body has many friends available to help you phase in to emotions and right choices. The AB is very simple in its functionality—only emotions! Even so, it has many different organs and emotional abilities. It is extremely complex in its interior feeling/personality quest for maturity.

Your Mental Body is the main conduit of factual information. It can access any expert or teacher through your Guardian Angel. You are only limited by your ability to focus and be clear.

The trick for you is to select what has relevancy to you. You might not find some tidbit useful if your goals don’t include a certain type of data. The focus of your attention, your physical health, and your ability to verify and use the facts are important to your success here.

2. What is the first thing I do to get successful answers?

You must slow down your mind. A person under stress or fear has an unfocused mind. It races too fast as it seeks for some magic answer. So, as Douglas Adams wrote in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, “Don’t Panic.” In every problem lies its own solution.

We can use the metaphor of an aircraft carrier and a naval jet aircraft. The pilot of the aircraft (your conscious mind) wants to miss the ocean and land successfully on a small patch of boat deck (the answer to your inquiry). The irony is that a racing mind misses the “tailhook” of the information lead, because the aim is bad and the speed is wrong. The wrong attention glosses over ideas and clues without registering their value.

Several physical activities help the mind to focus and slow down under stress. These all create a trance state (alpha brainwaves).

•Play computer games. This works because a specific mode of focus is the only way to win at these games. Thinking too far ahead in your planning will result in real-time error through neglect. You must be completely present to succeed.

•Meditate. Find one that doesn’t make you feel holy or burdened. Use one that is quick-acting and easy to learn. Vipassana-style comes to mind—sitting quietly with no thought but the sensation of breath coming from the nostrils. Something simple like that.

•Play a skill sport such as archery or tennis.

•Sightread music.

•Anchor a spot on your body whenever you attain trance consciousness. Later you become like Pavlov’s dogs; you instantly switch to alpha brainwaves when you touch that spot on your body. Choose one that you can touch in public, Mabel.

3. What do I need next to get correct reception?

A clear and elegant way of thinking will receive the best quality of information. This doesn’t have to last for any length of time. I’m living proof of that! All you need is a moment of clarity. Exactly what do you want to know? Is your motive without emotional conflict? Is the color of your intention gold, white, or blue? If so, then you are going great!

So, put on your reality cap. Understand your place as a student of Truth. You are not an asshole, so stop pooping your kaka out the mouth. A proud heart or an arrogant command will get you butkis. Be sincere, humorous, and hungry for what is correct. Be clear what your problem is and say it aloud or in your thoughts.

Gratefully ask your Guardian Angel to bring the solution in terms that you can understand.

4. What else have you got? I suppose you’re going to talk about faith now?

If calmness and clarity are the door, then faith is the key. It is the means by which you don’t fuck yourself over. If the Astral Body supports your success, then you will succeed.

You encourage faith through affirmations, such as:

This problem is easy for me to solve!

I easily remember this information and use it correctly.

I hear my Guardian Angel loud and clear and everything is right!

It’s easy for me to get it right!

What fun this subject is!

You strengthen faith through validating experiences. Miracles, successful outcomes, and inspiring stories make faith strong and then bulletproof. This only comes through living.

5. What if I am trying to achieve a long-term project or a job that uses my inferior function?

An inferior function is Jung’s name for a skill or mode of behavior that could use some development. We gain strength here through thoroughness, patience, faith in success, and constant dialogue with one's Guardian Angel.

For instance, if you are a person of action, you probably haven’t done a lot of reading or schoolwork. The education thing would be your inferior function. Physical labor, driving, shopping, or sports would more likely be your superior functions. How can you use our technique to succeed at book learning?


Ask her to arrest your attention on the good stuff. It is not highlighted in bright light, but your eye is caught on it. Realize that this isn’t a mistake or a coincidence. Honor your experience and follow through on her guidance. She can also hook you up with people and books to save you a mountain of time.

Be overly-thorough until you have figured out what is unnecessary. A DVD called Where There’s a Will There’s an A gives valuable advice here. In a nutshell, here’s what you would do. Read one paragraph or topic section at a time. After reading, write a summary of the section in a single sentence. It is time-consuming, but it tricks the mind into memorizing the material without resistance. To memorize a term or word, repeat it 5 times and tap some anchor point in your body at the same time. Draw charts or outlines to organize the information for yourself. Create indexes of the study material. This is a basic discipline needed for all kinds of skills.


Once you get into the groove of what will make the grade, you don’t have to be so thorough. You learn how to use the internet or a table of contents to snatch key phrases quickly. You learn how to recognize the teacher’s factoids. You become fluent in the subject when you don’t have to think, just absorb. You have learned how to learn the subject.

This technique works for any inferior function.

6. What if I just have a singular problem to solve?

Your own Guardian Angel is the best networker you could ask for. Don’t demand any specific teacher or guide. Be humble and ask for anyone who wants to help you. The law of service works this way:

You gotta problem or challenge.

You ask for help from God or from a Higher Power.

Your Guardian Angel knows what to do.

You will always get superior guidance this way. Your helpers are not in the physical room with you, but they can communicate without the constraints of time and space.

If you have a magical construct personality such as a Keymaster (shades of Ghostbusters!) in your Spiritual Landscape, your Mental Body can use it to aid your belief system in getting the right help.

Helpers usually speak words into your left “ear.” If you “look” then you will receive the image of the friend.

Angels send concepts [feels like one of your own ideas] or pictures.

Masters send visions that blot out your physical perception. They also can appear to you in their favorite modes—an image from the shoulders up, a friendly presence with a signature “voice” and color, or physical nudging.

7. Draw or describe one of your helpers.