42. Anger

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Correct Use of Anger and Rage:

One Requirement for the Second Degree of Initiation.

Lecture based Questions:

1. A) What does the Astral Body do when experiencing anger?

The aura becomes dark and opaque, colored with dirty red, gray, black, and brown. Thought forms of anger and aggression fill the aura.

B) Which chakras are affected?

The solar plexus immediately implodes with dirty red energy. The spleen chakra also becomes involved as the adrenal glands kick in.

C) What do anger thought forms look like?

Black or red arrows, black hammers, jaws and fangs are the most common anger archetypes. They are sent from the angry person to the target of ire. The karmic result is that the sender must account for the bad energy sent out.

2. Can we use anger energy for constructive purposes? What happens when we don’t?

Yes, we can clean the red energy and send it to the base chakra for the purpose of manifesting physical change. Red energy must be either used or deconstructed, for it does not readily evaporate on its own. If it is not cleansed from the solar plexus and spleen chakras, it remains seated in the related organs of the body and festers as hot spots, tumors, infections (which cause scar tissue), and excessive bile or acid.

3. Which glands in the physical body express anger? Which astrological signs are most prone to anger?

The hypothalamus is the primary gland of most emotions. The pituitary is involved in the body’s testosterone level, which generates the anger response. The adrenals are also mixed into the fight/flight response. All the fire signs—Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo—are challenged with anger issues. If a person has strong fire aspects in their birth chart, they will also have anger challenges.

4. Do astral and physical environmental factors stimulate anger?

Yes. The physical body feels anger when it perceives that it is being attacked or betrayed. The Astral Body may have anger habit thought forms that stimulate the physical response. Also, there are Mischief Makers who feed on the negative energies generated by angry situations.

5. Do we ever feel anger that is not self-generated? Why do we overreact to some situations?

Yes. Water signs are especially prone to catching the angry feelings of people in their geographic area. Also the Mischief Makers mentioned above will farm families and individuals to harvest the negative energy for their sustenance. One overreacts when some trauma or injury has been repressed in consciousness. Then, when one feels more safe, a related situation will set off an emotional explosion, expressing both the related emotions and also the repressed emotions.

6. Exercise: Arrows of Light

Every illness, every ache and pain in your body is a form of repressed negativity. We are concentrating today on the specific commanding of anger energy and using it to advance personal success in a constructive mode.

The organs and the systems of the body that we are now focusing on are the adrenals, the lymph, the hypothalamus, the pituitary, the heart, the lungs, and the thymus. The major chakra is the base or first chakra. The minor chakras are the palms of the hands, the shins, the toes, and the shoulder blades. These are all seats of red energy and must be cleansed before we can use them in a positive way.

Create in front of you a bonfire of ultra-violet and golden Light. Step into this cleansing fire and repeat the following chant five times:

Before there was pain there was Eternal Love.

Before there was malice there was Eternal Healing.

Before there was death there was Eternal Life.

I now realign myself with the Spirit of Eternal Wisdom.

I give thanks to the One Power.

I give thanks to the Planetary Logos.

I give thanks to my Healing Angel.

I now participate in the act of Divine Creation.

I claim all red energy within me.

I surrender all red energy to the Spirit of Holy Strength.

I command all red energy to serve Divine Will.

God now expresses intention, clarity, and success through me.

Let the Word now be fulfilled.

As you close your palms together, visualize the cleansing fire extinguishing.

Your red energy is like a quiver of golden arrows that you can shoot at to attain any goal that would enhance the quality of your life. Create a clear picture in your mind of something that you would like to achieve. Take one of these golden arrows and hit the target of this picture. Repeat this short meditation whenever the wish reoccurs in your mind.

7. Draw or describe one of your helpers.

I can't think of a better one that your Guardian Angel!


Riding on the Back of the Beast

In the dawn of creation for this physical planet, a reservoir of energy was designated for the purpose of controlling the success or failure of any given species. You may call this energy anger, rage, aggression, violence, or blood lust. We of the Hierarchy use the term red energy, for this is the color that expresses it in both its highest and lowest vibrations. At its most destructive it is a dark color tainted with grays, browns, and strands of black. At its highest expression, it is a brilliant vermilion filled with golden highlights. The energy itself is neutral; how it is used determines the outcome of its equation for both the wielder and the target.

There are relatively few members of humanity who can face all the challenges of the physical body with impunity. Primitive astral bodies feel overwhelmed by all emotional energies and are at the mercy of circumstance and environment. Many lifetimes of experience and accumulated wisdom create the ability to harness the emotions for greater accomplishment at a social level. Many more lifetimes establish the knowledge between body and spirit—the objectification of feeling and logic.

At a certain phase of personal evolution, the Soul releases a program that tests the limitations of the astral body’s understanding and control over red energy and its many potentials. The parameters are difficult, the physical body is given the most volatile combination of hormonal reactions. The environment is set to give rise to many deep emotions. The manner in which the astral body handles these karmic circumstances determines its next level of development—will it pass the Second Degree of Initiation now or at a later opportunity? Time has no meaning for the Soul. The moment of transition will come at the ripened season.

What is the nature of red energy, and why is it on our paths? This primal and potent stuff contains the potential for rebirth at the hands of its wielder. It can generate negative energy or great blessing, depending on the choices that we make in its use. Here is a meditation to help you better understand the raw power that is constantly at your command.

•Envision a ball of red fire burning in your hand. Feel its heat and radiant light glowing around you.

•If you feel critical or destructive, the fire becomes dark. It burns your hand and your body as it magnifies the nature of your thoughts. Throw the ball at an object and it acts like a bomb. It destroys the object and rebounds upon you with increased negative karmic energy.

•If you feel creative, the fire becomes bright and lovely. It warms your entire being with inspiration and energy. Throw the ball at an object and wonderful things occur. The object increases and develops at a miraculous rate. Your grace and potential for blessing also increase.

Let us deal now with the most obvious manifestation of red energy, namely, anger. The emotion of anger is stimulated by the fight/flight reactive hormones in the lymbic system (which are controlled by the solar plexus—a nerve plexus behind the stomach). The diaphragm heaves. The adrenals release a flood of stimulants into the blood stream. The heart beats many times faster than at rest. The arms and legs are itching to run or to strike out at something. The back curves inward to protect vital organs. The hairs stand up in their follicles. The pupils contract and the eye muscles contract to protect the eyes in case of battle. The pheromone glands release a scent of alarm. The physical body is designed to feel anger at several types of cues—pain & discomfort, fear, interruption, damage, attack, violation, deprivation, weariness, hunger & thirst, and shock. To feel anger is to desire change and this change is usually an improvement over the present circumstances.

Now, how do we take this physical condition and funnel it into a creative channel? Following are the steps that we take to master the situation and neutralize the possibility of destructive energy.

1) Objectify. First understand that the body has a consciousness of its own. Although you are living through the body, you are not the body itself, but the caregiver of it. It reacts to the environment that your karmic energies have created for it. The emotion that you are experiencing is not yours, but the body’s.

2) Accept. You must give the body permission to feel its emotions as a natural occurrence. If you do not, the feelings will repress and lodge in the organs of the body as disease and injury. Tell the body that it has the right to feel the anger.

3) Parent. Comfort the body. Alleviate any pain. Stroke and pat the body to make it feel loved. Now you must assure the body that you will rectify the situation with logic and guaranteed benefit. Take responsibility for creating the harmful conditions through your past errors. Remember that any problem is the main clue to the solution of your impending illumination.

4) Release all objects of blame. Say (in your mind or when alone), “Go your own way with my blessing and good will. I release you from my energy.” Say this as many times as is necessary to remove the object from your ire. Remember, anyone or anything that attacks you is simply reacting to karmic commands from your shadow. Any person who is fully conscious will not attack you, so do not blame a person for being less than conscious. It is your own lack of integrated consciousness that brought on the attack in the first place. Examine the situation for clues of instruction for your enlightenment. To not release blame is to set the cycle into motion again. Step away from it.

5) Give thanks for the energy. Husband the red energy out from the solar plexus and its related systems and organs. Ask the Christ Office of Redemption to transform this energy into creative power. Thank Gaia (The Planetary Logos) for the gift of this force.

6) Place it in the Base Chakra for storage and use. You do not have to say the following, but it might help you to focus your intention. “May this gift of Divine Energy be housed in its correct chakra. May the potential for success now manifest in my life as fulfillment, accomplishment, and prosperity. Under Grace through Divine Will may it be so.”

7) Visualize a slender stem of red energy rising from the Base Chakra up the spine to the Crown Chakra and nourishing all the body’s systems with strength and energy. Let the flow be gentle and soothing. Let the color be pure and bright. Say, “Thank you, Kundalini, for blessing and healing this body with continual and harmonious sustenance.”

The ways of emotion are intricate, subtle, and of many variations. Do not feel discouraged by any shortcomings or obtuse perspectives. You are learning about life, as are we all. Let the errors become your tutors. Be thoughtful about your plight and have faith in the rightness of your place in the universe. Be patient with your mind. Be loving with your body. No one expects you to be correct all of the time. Allow your Guardian Angel to advise your choices. Avoid creating negative chi in simple ways—remove yourself from irksome people and avoid irritating others. Maintain active faith in the Divine Order of perfect opportunity and perfect timing.