71. Soul Opposites

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Your Soul Opposite

Lecture based Questions:

1. Draw or describe a reminder or symbol of one of your helpers.

You know what to do! Pick one of your many helpers and draw a picture, describe a color or scent that this loving person has sent to you.

2. What are Soul Opposites or Biune Souls?

When the Adonai is beginning its work, it expresses itself in a slower form in the Soulic Dimension. Our Planetary Logos has designed a system by which we double our adventures through a split Soul Body. The being is divided into positive and negative polarities—we call them masculine and feminine. Twice the incarnations can be experienced simultaneously.

3. Is your Soul Mate included in your Soul Clan?

Yes, of course. All Biune Souls originate together, and so come into being with the same batch of spirits that would make up their Soul Clan.

Some eastern religions do not recognize the distinction between members of a Soul Clan and the two unique members of a Biune Couple. They term any two members of a Soul Clan as “soul mates.” This is true to an extent, as the relationship can be likened to children of the same age who attend school together class after class, year after year. The bonding is very strong. Many experiences have been shared and the feeling is always intimate.

However, the undeniably closest tie is between the two polar opposites of the same Soul Being. Nothing can compare to it in intensity, energetic dynamics, and exclusive feeling.

4. What are the ways that you might know whether or not someone is your Soul Opposite?

Certain hallmarks are common to all biune relationships. Telepathic encounters occur before the first meeting. The two feel instant attraction and recognition. They both experience physical distress on separation. As expectations and projections fall away, they find that that they have more and more in common. They share the same main Soulic Ray. The longer they are together, the stronger grows their shared purpose. A sense of completion marks their emotions so that they do not wish for other company or stimulation. Their efforts to please each other are reciprocated in a satisfactory manner. There is physical peace in each other’s company and touch. They make excellent business partners, because they can work and live together without desiring any separation time.

5. When is it beneficial and when is it detrimental to have an incarnation together?

When personalities are still immature, having incarnations together can cause certain problems. We seldom incarnate together in this physical life. The reason for this has to do with spiritual maturity and challenges that must be won. At the undeveloped level, the potential for behaving badly is very high when both incarnate near each other and have social or circumstantial barriers between themselves and the natural urge to unite at all levels.

A case in point would be the married schoolteacher who had two children by a former high school student. Unable to honor the parameters of teacher/student relationships, she also violated the laws protecting the virtue of a minor. The karmic tangle now involves six to eight individuals. This type of behavior is typical of a mindset that has not yet developed strength of character or principle. Don’t shake your head—we have all been there and done that. I am merely pointing out why we do not usually incarnate at the same time and place.

Another reason why our physical bodies rarely encounter each other has to do with that instinctive yearning we experience when we are apart. The way of a life is to muddle through many different relationships and experiences as we search for that elusive bond that will bring us inner peace. Sometimes we experience it through touching God, but most of the time we are driven by a sense of incompletion and a need for something—we know not what. A deep sorrow underlies our every moment, and sometimes we awaken from dreams of unity that make our waking lives seem unbearable. This emotional movement creates an urge to move ahead in wisdom and worldly experience. The restlessness drives us into learning and productivity.

Nothing inspires and drives us like the sight of Soul Mates who have found each other. As we learn to become responsible for our actions, we are afforded more opportunities to unite at the physical dimension. A pair of well-developed Biune Souls who work together for the success of a united mission can be unstoppable. This would be because their joined energies exponentially increase in effectiveness and strength.

6. What occurs with Biune Souls at the sixth dimension?

The two halves are always together and in dialogue. They view their separate incarnations together and analyze the events as a team of spiritual disciples. The physical world is merely an echo of the beauties and comforts of the Soulic World.

Let us translate their occupations in terms that would be familiar to you. Imagine your Soul and your Soul’s opposite living together in a wonderful palace of exquisite design. They sit on a cushiony couch and enjoy yummy refreshments while watching their current incarnations on a large viewing screen. Sometimes they send messages to their Mental Bodies. Sometimes their lower bodies contact them through meditation. Their jobs are to observe, learn, and gain power through the experiences.

7. What is this yearning that we feel for our Soul Opposites?

From the time when we are very young children, we feel that something is missing from our lives. When we grow older, we search the faces of the opposite gender for that one special person that we know will create peace in our hearts. This is the Astral Body seeking out the other half of itself. The feelings of separation come from a belief system based on isolation and pain. When these thoughts are replaced by knowledge that we are always connected to those whom we love and admire, then the illusion of aloneness disappears.

It has been said that the search for happiness is actually nothing more than the search for one’s Soul Opposite. At a certain level this is true, and at the most basic and right-wrong level it finds its genuine essence. When a person’s focus of attention is fixed on connectedness, there is a sense of completion. The perpetual yearning ceases. When the mind is set on lack and separation, nothing can fill the hunger of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

8. Can one Soul Mate take Initiations ahead of the other? Does this benefit the partner?

Yes and yes. Because our adventures are unique, one Biune Spirit often surpasses the other in wisdom and power. Yet, since the pair is actually a single entity, the benefit is evident at the Adonai level, where there is no duality. At the lower bodies, the higher Soul uplifts and empowers the other.

9. Meditation Exercise: The Cable that Never Breaks

Generally, the connector between Soul Mates resides at the solar plexus and connects their Astral Bodies. If the Souls are at the 3DI or the 4DI, the cables connect at the Heart Chakra. If the Souls are at the 5DI, the cables connect at the Throat Chakra. You get the idea.

• Cut all ties with your hands in a karate chop motion, saying, “We are free, we are free, we are free from all twilight bonds.”

• Sense the two lines that still are connected to you, the Guardian Angel cable at the Heart Chakra and the Biune Soul cable at the Solar Plexus (or whatever) Chakra.

• Here we stress the importance of keeping emotions light, happy, affectionate, and playful. We don’t want any serious or dramatic elements to enter this relationship—only pleasant feelings.

• Send your attention along the Biune cord to its point of connection. Feel free to snuggle up and say howdy.


Quit Looking, You’re Already Holding Hands

When Soul Opposites incarnate during the same time frame, their Etheric Bodies harmonize with each other no matter where they are on the planet. This has a beneficial effect on vitality, health, and stamina. The energy shared between the two becomes exponentially stronger. You can imagine that this is useful when a person has long challenges to endure or a daunting task to perform. This effect increases when the two are in geographic proximity to each other. Whether they are married or not, no matter what the social relationship may be, their Etheric bodies become a single entity. The underlying purpose for this is to increase efficiency toward a common goal. A mother may dedicate her life to her son’s career (God help his hapless wife if he ever marries). A grandparent may impart crucial support to a child’s special needs. A buddy may be the team partner that makes a business unstoppable. The energy for success increases with the time that these two spend together. They are only limited by negative expressions such as selfishness, fear, vengeance, or greed.

The skills of empathy increase when Soul Mates incarnate at the same time. Their Astral noses sniff each other out. They meet in dreams and send markers to each other at a subconscious level. If they have social relationships, they no longer feel the restless craving that they had without each other. This affords them some measure of good will and sympathy for those who still suffer in that regard. Telepathy, sensitivity, and clairvoyance increase during these lifetimes, because the incentive is strong to stay connected and in communication with each other.

Knowing that our Soul Mates exist, how do we go on without them if we must? Through meditation we can maintain an Astral rapport that prevents despair. Also, we are never apart at the sixth dimension. Our Soul Bodies are in constant proximity and communication. When we resolve to have many fine adventures that we can talk about later to each other, we find a measure of peace in the heart.

The bonds that we share with our siblings from the Soul Clan are almost as deep, and they are satisfying to a high degree. We are always incarnated with several tribe members, if we are not completely engulfed by them. We marry them, we have them as children and parents and other relatives, we adopt them as close friends or fierce enemies. We hang out with them for recreation and validation. We are in the same emotional boat and we can be very good company to each other. At the very least, we teach each other to find balance and versatility.

Whatever karmic emotional dish you may have been served, use it as a tool for your success and development. If you have yearning for completion, take it with you in your quest for knowledge and experience. It will kick you in the pants and send you quickly up the road of enlightenment. If you and your opposite are in temporary company, cherish the moments for what they are and don’t squander them on negative emotions. Find a way to harness this passionate energy for common success. Throw away your fear and have faith in your partner’s ability to come through for you in any situation. Work as a unit while you can. There will be too much time in the future to pull alone. Above all, remember that you are never separate no matter how the conditions may seem. You are safe and enjoy perfect timing.