40. Telepathy

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and the

Nature of Thought

Lecture based Questions:

1. What is the life cycle of a communicated thought from the mental realm to the physical?

The mental bodies communicate with each other with life thought forms. If the thought is clear, it has lots of mass and momentum. If it is vague and full of emotional garbage, it dissipates.

In telepathy, the simpler the image is, the better it can do its job. It enters the receiver’s auric field. If it is well made, it can sit there for a week or so. It then can gather energy around it and sink into the Astral Aura. The Astral Body then translates it to the physical brain through the solar plexus as an auto-suggestion. If a person is receptive, the thought enters through the pineal glad. The pineal sends it to the rest of the brain, which translates it into images that it can understand.

2. Describe what would be the most receptive state of your chakras, body, and mental energy.

Chakras should be clean, harmonized with each other, and all fluted outward. The physical body needs to be rested. If you are now well rested you have aches and pains and can’t focus your attention or mental energy. Focus and tuning out distractions is vital to successful telepathy.

3. Why does pain inhibit telepathy?

It is very distracting to the mind. Develop ways to transcend pain or to relieve pain before engaging in telepathic training. On the other hand, some drugs also fog the mind and therefore can interfere.

4. Is it easier to communicate with living people, dead people, nature spirits, angels, or members of the hierarchy?

Masters and their equivalent or higher cut through the emotional and mental noises that we make. They also have already established links with their pupils. After these, nature spirits are the easiest to receive messages from, because we are instinctively open to the elements of nature. Angels generally only respond when addressed. The Guardian Angel, however, communicates easily to you, as she is permanently attached you your solar plexus by a thick chord. It is more difficult to commune with some dead people, as they cannot always form their thoughts clearly. Living people are walking stews of hormones and projections. We are least receptive to each other, but genetic families can communicate a little easier because of the cellular vibrations.

5. What can we do to improve our telepathic facility?

•Suspend the identity. We cannot communicate reliably if we are entrenched in the self and in observing the self. •Suspend expectations. •Invoke the Spirit of Truth. •Activate the crown chakra. •Listen.

6. Exercise: Psychic Friends

Using a tarot deck, have a partner use the following steps to communicate the card to you. The receiver should be relaxed and free from distraction. You should only focus on receiving.

A) Distill the meaning of the card down to a single word.

B) Translate the word into a picture or a symbol that the receiver can recognize. You can build the image slowly with color, basic shapes, and then meaning.

C) Connect your third eye chakra with a golden thread to the third eye chakra of the receiver.

D) Relax and focus all your attention on the picture you are sending. The greater the relaxation, the more easily flows the thought energy.

7. Draw or describe one of your helpers.

Howsabout a teacher?


Coming to Mind

We begin this session of The Way with the subject of creating strong and clear thought forms that can be easily discerned by others. This is extremely useful during communicating with other people in the physical world, and is a requirement for the fourth degree of initiation.

Just as a muscle is reluctant to flex itself at the early stages of an exercise regimen, so does the mental body resist clear thinking during the formative stages of thought training. Yet, there is nothing better for the quality of life here on earth than the ability to clearly and concisely create detailed and complete pictures of what ought to be and what one wishes to convey to others.

The very nature of thought substance has a creative energy within it—what physicists call conductive atmosphere. It creates conduits for the fabric of the universe to build and manifest throughout the lower dimensions many wonderful and useful things.

Thinking with deliberate clarity and positive energy is not the easiest path to take in the physical world. However, it is the only way to develop the qualities needed for initiation and for laying the groundwork for more advanced skills of creative energy.

Careless thinking and negative tendencies create destructive and ugly conditions here in the physical realm. What is said in jest, what is carried on through many generations of habit, what is laid waste in the pursuit of pleasure can create many unplanned disasters and contaminated areas of wrong thinking. These pockets of negative energy attract denizens of the third wave, which feed like vampires on the work that we have made in the darkness of our hearts.

The weather angels must cleanse these geographic centers with regularity through storms, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. The shocking quality of these events breaks up the complacency in people’s thoughts, and puts them in a more objective frame of mind temporarily. The disasters themselves transmute negative energy into positive essence in harmony with the metaphysical law of levelness.

When we are virgin spirits, moving with the herd of our young peers, we often fall prey to the subtle influences of negative elementals and mischief makers. Through our self-inflicted suffering, we begin to understand the correlation between thought and reaction. As we pass up the ranks of initiates, we gather skill and understanding of the nature of what thought truly is and what it can do for us and for others.

We engage in prayer, meditation, and mental exercises. Finally, we become able to focus our attention effectively and to be successful in creating. First we practice on the physical with organizing events through positive contemplation of possible blessings. Next, we begin to amass to ourselves the tools that would aid in the helping of our communities and the social organism. The occupation is entertaining and challenging. There is no feeling of unction or burden. It is pure joy to create space for Divine Will to manifest in the mundane dimension.

Past the third degree of initiation, thought discipline and influence take on an added meaning. Every thought, every word has strong creative force, and one must have control over these during every moment, lest one unleash events that would mar his karmic redemption. In such a case, the initiate cleans his own mess immediately.

Now, regarding the substance of mental energy, let us imagine a few metaphorical pictures.

•First, picture a small room full of very bouncy balls. These balls have a peculiar quality—they do not stop bouncing. They bounce off of the ceiling, the walls, the corners, each other, and of course the floor. There are a hundred thousand bouncing balls rebounding at a very fast speed. You can barely see them because of their velocity. This is an inkling of the rapid and powerful energy that comprises the mental world or the fifth dimension. The balls could be likened to the particles of energy and atoms that we use to make thought forms and that make up our mental bodies. In the higher regions of the mental world these particles have harmony and dance a beautiful dance. In the lower regions, they can be chaotic.

•Second, picture yourself working with a mound of clay. You are in a pottery class, and you are learning to center the clay on the potter’s wheel. At first you throw the clay off center. Then you learn a trick of the hand and arm that places the lump exactly where you wish it to go. Your next challenge is to shape and carve the clay before it becomes to dry. At first it seems impossible for you to accomplish this. Then you get a clue, and you can thereafter guide the clay into a recognizable pot. The task becomes easier with each attempt. After hundreds of pots, you have learned to create intricate and graceful pieces of art, well before the clay can dry. This is similar to the manner in which we accomplish thought skills. First we learn to center the consciousness and view the universe from the stillness of No-Thought. [This is easier for some rays than for others, so do not be discouraged at the beginning.] Next we learn to control the quality of our thinking and to make only thoughts that have beauty and grace. Last we achieve the ability to create complex and wondrous ideas with swiftness. These are the thoughts of power that move the world as we know it.

•Third, imagine yourself sitting inside a bubble of Light. Inside the bubble is simplicity, outside is chaos. You may enlarge this bubble with the expansion of your consciousness. You may expand the bubble to include your home, your city, your country, your planet. Inside is simplicity and peace. Outside need not concern you. Get up and walk around. The bubble moves with you. You determine the size and strength of the bubble of peace, because it is attached to your inner center. You are the maker of peace within your life. You do not have to make it all by yourself, but you must make the initial choice to have peace. As peace becomes part of your nature, you become one of the few who can transform the physical landscape into an area of harmony.

•Fourth, create in your mind’s eye a beautiful flower, flecked with dew. Color it any way that you like. Now, raise the flower to your eye level and spin it around like a pinwheel. Place it in a lovely crystal vase. Make the vase and the flower the same color. Place them on a table. Place the table in a house. Place the house in a park. Place the park in a city. Place the city in a country. Place the country on a continent. Place the continent on a planet. Place the continent in a drop of dew. Place the dew on a beautiful flower. You have just completed what we call a Chinese Puzzle. Such detailed thought and expansion of awareness is necessary for skillful thinking. It is interesting to remember that anything you imagine becomes solid reality in the mental realms. [These thought forms can be short-lived depending on the clarity of the thought.] What you imagine already has form and substance even though it may not manifest physically.

My world and your world are the same. We follow the same laws and we are bound by the same principles. What differs between us is how we perceive our roles in this world. Choose whom you wish to be right now—a victim of chaos or a creator of peace. Eventually you will see the rewards of your labors. Continue to strive for clear and deliberate thinking. Have patience with the limitations of the body and strive to strengthen its endurance through your right thinking and affirmations. What is now can be supplanted at any time by the perfect life ordained by Divine Will.