81. Gaia Planetary Logos

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Our Planetary Logos:

My Favorite Seventh Degree Initiate

Lecture based Questions:

1. Draw or describe a reminder or symbol of one of your helpers.

You know what to do. Howzabout our planetary logos? Gives life & designs lotsa cool stuff!

2. Was our Planetary Logos ever like us humans?

Yes, long ago the Logos was part of a much older planet’s humanity. It was part of a solar system in a different galaxy. That sun is no longer active. Our experiences of evolution and physical attributes are echoes of what the Logos enjoyed most from those incarnations.

3. What is a Planetary Logos?

At the Seventh Degree of Initiation, one can say that the individual has finally reached the point of maturity. The power to create life is in hand, along with the wisdom and experience to do it properly and well. The Logos has many divine and physical expressions. Everything in our planet and all that it will become are physical expressions of the Planetary Logos. The energy bodies of the Logos can be perceived in active dimensional echoes and the movement of the Hierarchy.

4. What is the purpose of a Planetary Logos?

The assignment of the Planetary Logos is to design, build, and embody a living planet under the supervision of the Solar Logos. Beyond the microcosmic concerns of our human existence, there is a complex and infinitely varied pattern of life and creation. Each Planetary Logos is assigned the work of designing a planet’s proportions of organisms, land formations, and plotting its life cycle. All life forms on this planet are born of the Logos. All geographic formations are also of the Logos. We are both the children and the physical embodiment of the Logos.

5. What are some of the mythological forms of the Logos?

Logos is the ancient Greek word for the rational aspect of the universe—the source of divine wisdom. Often the spirit of the earth was portrayed as a feminine goddess, such as Eurynome, Gaia, Isis, Ceres, or Frigga. The orderly and aggressive facet of life on earth was portrayed as a masculine figure, such as Saturn, Zeus, Horus, Odin, and the Ancient of Days. The I Ching embodies all apparent forms of the earth in its eight trigrams. These are all aspects of the Planetary Logos, but not the whole.

6. How can we relate personally to the Logos?

The entire being and work of the Logos is beyond the physical brain to encompass. However, there are some very immediate connections that can give us a sense of the love, wisdom, and helpfulness of this incredible being. Most intimate with our own bodies is the hara line.

7. What is the hara line?

This is the life force that animates all physical bodies. Without it there is no health and then no life. It rises up from the Etheric body of the Logos into the physical bodies of every living creature on or in the earth. In humans, this can be perceived as a glowing light blue tube of flowing energy, which comes up separately through each leg, joins into one at the torso, and extends up through the crown chakra. It resembles a stick figure without arms.

This can be easily damaged or disturbed through trauma or injury. When it is crooked or broken in a child, watch out for child abuse or criminal neglect. The hara line can easily healed by visualizing it being strong, around six inches in diameter, and fast-flowing. Then say, “Thank you, Gaia, for healing and strengthening this hara line.”

8. Meditation Exercise: The Vine and the Fruit

• Imagine a lovely vineyard with lush vines laden with grapes at all stages of production. Each leaf, each curling tendril, each globe of fruit has intelligence and life, and all work together for a successful harvest. One of these vines could be a metaphor for your soul clan, and a single grape could be a metaphor for you.

• The workers in the fields are nurturing for these vines every day. They are very attentive to the health of each vine and they harvest each ripe cluster of grapes carefully. These workers could be a metaphor for the angels and the Masters and Lords who are helping us to develop.

• Now take in the full size, activity and scope of the wonderful vineyard. It is full of life, buildings, workers, vines, trees, flowers. The owner of the vineyard is a good manager, and constantly makes decisions for the good of the land. This farm and its owner could be a metaphor for the Planetary Logos, who would be both the farm and the owner.


Mother-Father God

At the Seventh Degree of Initiation, the Soul Body is no longer able to bear the immense personal power now being sustained by the individual. In the vast reaches of the universe, profound and moving celebration takes place as the Adonai finally reaches adulthood. The initiate has in truth reached godhood.

The work of a Logos is two-fold. The first is to create and design new life, which will eventually develop and evolve into Logos beings in the future. The second is to participate in the Network of Light at a level of extension, shared wisdom, and joining that is more powerful, lively, loving, and exquisitely pleasurable than we can imagine.

But now, let’s focus on the part of Logos that we can perceive. How do we interact with Logos and what is our relationship? Let us begin at the physical level. All around you are cultural expressions, artistic productions, moral choices, and constantly changing technology. These are all expressions of the Logos. All the plant life on the planet has billions of varieties and mutations. They range from the oldest might tree to the tiniest fungal bacteria. These are also Logos. All the waters of the earth vary in mineral content, molecular structure, and Etheric power. These are all expressions of the Logos. All the minerals of the earth are alive in molten rivers of highly pressured lava, crystal growths, powdered and flaking particles, floating dust in the air, gems on your rings, pavement under your feet, bricks and plaster in your buildings, holding the cells of your body together, coloring the paints of the art on your wall. These are also Logos. The insects of the earth can be so tiny that they live in your eyelashes and fingernails. They can be so large that they waddle like turtles in the rain forest. They are too numerous to mention and come in a million varieties of shape and color. These are all expressions of the Logos. The reptiles, the birds, the mammals, invertebrates, cartilagobrates, fish, all fill the earth with life, drama, and consciousness. These are all expressions of the Logos. You are here, and the Logos is encompassing you all. Logos is aware of the tiniest and the largest, the youngest and the oldest.

Suffice it to say that as we incarnate, die, learn, and develop, we contribute to the depth and aliveness and power of the Planetary Logos.