9/2 League Schedule - Tryout results - Register

Post date: Sep 04, 2019 1:32:33 AM

League Schedule

League games are here! Our first games are Thursday. You can view our HS schedule here: https://utahultimate.org/e/youth-fall-league-2019/schedule/division/Mixed+High+School/stage/131961 (select middle school from the dropdown to see the middle school schedule). Currently only this week's games are shown - they are still arranging the remainder of the schedule so bookmark that page so you can see the full schedule when it is posted. Here are our games:

CHA 4p @ Elk Ridge Middle School vs Bingham

CHB 4p @ SLCo Equestrian Park vs Krakens B. Krakens have requested that we start early if possible, so if we have 7 players there before 4pm, let's go ahead and start the game.

CHUMS @ SLCo Equestrian Park vs Open Classroom

(someone please double-check my info - I've been known to get the schedule wrong sometimes)

If you want to carpool to either location, meet at CHHS near the relocatable *portable* classrooms after school at 2:30. Otherwise we'll meet you at the game. Sorry CHUMS, I know you're not out of school yet. We'll just meet you at the game unless some parents want to offer to drive others.

What to bring? Water bottle & water. Team uniform or a white shirt & a dark shirt. Sun protection. Cleats or if you don't have cleats - shoes with good knobby tread. Also be prepared for possible inclement weather - we play rain, wind or shine and only cancel for lightning. And bring a super positive attitude and your A Game!

If possible, please visit http://player.ultimatechills.club , select your name, and indicate whether or not you will be playing in tomorrows game. Please do this before each game and tournament as soon as you know. This helps us to plan to ensure that we have enough players at each game & tournament.


Please register now! You can do so at https://utahultimate.org/e/youth-fall-league-2019/register

Thanks to Tricia, Bryson, Maddie, Lydia, Zander, Quinn, Garrett, Sasuke, Ian S, Jack, Caden, Harrison, Meagan, Charlie, Max and Vince who have already registered. Everyone else - please do so ASAP. The registration process can sometimes be confusing. If you need any help or have any questions registering, please contact me. The best way to reach me is through groupme, either DM or in the group. You are also welcome to email (ultimatechills@gmail.com), call or text.

A few notes on registration:

    • You need to pay for both a USAU membership AND the league fee in order to play league.

    • You can pay for your USAU membership on the utahultimate.org site, but I understand that it takes 10 days to take effect :-( . If you create and pay for your usau membership on usaultimate.org, you can add your usau number on the utahultimate.org site and it will be effective immediately, rather than taking 10 days. Confused? Don't be afraid to message me with questions.

    • League fee: The league fee is $40 for MS, $45 for HS. Everyone will need to pay the league fee.

    • USAU fee: Players who paid USAU fees in the spring do not need to pay again - it's good through Dec 31. If you didn't pay USAU fees in the spring, Middle School players choose the $13 'Affiliate Membership'. HS players can receive a discount by choosing 'Youth Intro' membership (new players only) or 'Fall + Next Year Too' membership (a discount if you are planning to play ultimate in 2020).

    • It can be a bit confusing, so don't hesitate to message me or other players with questions!

    • I also need to receive a physical copy of a medical authorization form for each player. Players who have given me one in previous seasons do not need to hand me another unless your insurance or doctor info have changed. http://www.usaultimate.org/assets/1/Page/Medical%20Authorization-V4.1.pdf

Saturday CH 3v3 tournament

Sat 9/7 8:30a-noon at Park Village Park (our practice location). Be prepared to play a lot of ultimate and have some fun! We'll choose evenly matched teams and have each team play each other round-robin style for bragging rights and for lots of practice. This will be our Saturday practice this week. See you there!

Thank you for attending tryouts!

Below are the teams for our first league games Thursday. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

CHills 2019 Tryout Results