Unique Lighting

Title: Beauty is not only on the outside

Date: 3/24/17

The subject of my image is a person. The setting is in the dark room. This image was made by me setting up a light in the dark room, turning off the lights, so that I just had a spotlight, then having this person look to the side to cast a shadow and so that one side of her face was dark. I chose to create this specific image because I don't have an actual camera to do the drawing with light and this was one of the only things I could think of to do for this project. Composition rules of these photos are informal balance, low key lighting, and angle up. Informal balance because her face doesn't look centered, low key lighting because the photos each have a dark side to them, and angle up because I took this photo from a little below her face. This project evolved by me bringing it to photoshop, turning the lighting down so the dark, was even darker, and converting it black and white. The meaning behind this image is to show features that people don't really notice much, the story is that you have this girl, who looks happy on the outside, but is she on the inside? No one knows. It tells how people can show one thing on the outside, but feel different on the inside. This project relates to my life because I show everyone, one thing on the outside, but I don't feel that way on the inside. I may smile, but it doesn't mean i'm happy. If I could change one thing about this image, it would be nothing because I like these images just how they are.