
Title: Bamma Lynn

Date: 3/20/17

The subject of these images are my dog, and the setting is in my house. I chose to create this specific image because I thought it went with the project and I also thought taking this kind of picture if unique. Compositions rules of these photos are informal balance and sharp focus. Informal balance is here because the dog isn't centered in either of these photos, and sharp focus is mostly for the second photo because the dog is not at all blurry. This project evolved by me just simply cropping each photo and playing with the lighting a bit. These photos were made by me going up to my dog, and simply getting down to her level, and taking a photo, first with the flash, then without. The story behind this image is to show the detail on the dogs face, and how unique it is. The metaphor I am trying to show is that everyone has something unique about them, in a special place. It's showing that everyone is different in someway, even though it may not be that different. If I could change one thing about this image it would be the background of it, it's very distracting, in my opinion.