Film Politics

Title: Immigration

Date: June 9th

For this project I had to do something involving politics. What I chose to be my theme is immigration. I chose to compose Siham, who is muslim, with the american flag because I thought it would best represent this subject. What I had her do was hold the American flag and simply look at it. I did it at my eye level because I wanted it to be a big normal looking. Then I brought it to photoshop and I posterized it a little bit to make it look more like a painting, and make it look old in a way. The exposure on this photo was F9 at 2 seconds, with a 2 filter. The dot up by the flag is the only thing I would change about this because it is kind of distracting. Composition rules of this photo are Formal balance and low key lighting. Formal balance is shown because it is very evenly balanced. Low key lighting is because the photo has a darker vibe to it. The story behind this photo is to show immigration issues in the USA. This relates to my life because this is happening in today's world with Donald Trump trying to build a wall and all that mess.