
Title: Feet of the Chivan

Date: 2/06/17

The subject of my image is Chivan's feet. The setting is in the light room. This image was made by having Chivan pose and I got a full body image of him but I cropped out everything so his feet would be the main focus of this image. I chose to create this image because I wanted to show feet in some way and I had no idea how. Composition rules of this photo are informal balance and rule of thirds. Informal balance plays in because his feet aren't in the center of the image and rule of thirds plays in because only 2/3 of the photo has a subject in it. My project evolved by taking it to photoshop and cropping it and making the color darker. The meaning behind this image is it shows the difference is the way people sit, yes that's lame, but people do things different ways and this shows that if you look at his foot in the back. This project relate to my life because these feet are just like me, different than the rest around the world and unique. No one is the same and that's the metaphor I tried to get out of this. If I could change one thing I would change the lighting in the back because I'm not a big fan of it.