Film Family Dynamics

Title: Pepere

Date: 5/17/17

For this project I had to create something for family dynamics. I decided to take a photo of my grandfather, and crop him into money. I did this because every summer when he comes up, he spends all his time with me. He spends a lot of money on me. That is why I created this photo. for this process I brought my transparency to the darkroom and this photo was a 4 second exposure. Composition rules of this photo are informal balance and high key lighting. Informal balance is because it is not completely centered and high key lighting is because it shows all high values and it is bright. The story behind this image is to show that my grandfather spends a lot of money on me. This relates to my life because it is my life. This is my summer life. If I could change one thing about this photo it would be the values. All of them are not there.