
Title: Nature at its finest

Date: 3.28.18

Artist Statement:

For this project we had to cut pieces out of magazines and make a collage. We used National Geographic magazines. I chose pieces that had more to do with nature. After making this collage I started with the process of copying it. So what I did was I copied it so it was one piece of thin paper and I traced it onto the canvas paper. Once that was done I started mixing paints to get the right colors. I started with the top of the collage and worked my way down. Some strengths of this piece are my color mixing and landscape copying on the top. Something I would change is the quality of the piece at the bottom; I really struggled with getting it right and looking like it should and it still didn't come out the way I wanted it to. The story behind this piece is to show nature and how there is so much out there and there's so much we don't know. This relates to my life because people don't really know me like they think they do and they don't understand anything besides the basic concepts.