Details And Textures

The setting of this photo is to show the landscape from a different point of view. This image was made by simply getting low to the ground, so that you are looking at what is shown, and snapping a pic of it. I chose to create this specific image because I thought that showing a different point of view of a simple landscape would look cool and be unique. This photo is arranged so that the leaves are evenly balanced in the photo.

Compositions of this photo is formal balance, close distance, sharp focus, and selective focus. This image didn't evolve at all, it's a raw photo.

The meaning behind this photo is to show the difference in the way a photo is taken of a normal landscape. Like the artist I did in a previous project, I based the technique of this photo off Dana Fritz. The story behind this photo is to show the difference of a normal landscape and also it shows how all the leaves are different. It tells how everyone is different in their own way, and some people are higher ranked than others. It shows the difference in all the leaves and the metaphor in it is that the leaves represent the people on this earth, take a police station for example, this is their workplace, some people stand higher than others but those lower ranked people are still there, helping and supporting the whole business making it complete.