Film Conflict

Nature fights back

June 1, 2017

For this project I had to do something involving conflict. What I chose to do was address the conflict of nature and humanity. The way this photo was created is I was at a popular place up by my camp with my parents and I was trying to find something to take a photo of for this project. I saw the steps and saw the grass coming out of them, made everyone move off the stairs and I took the photo at an angle. Then I edited it by cropping it and bringing the highlights down to create more value for the photo when it was developed. I printed it on transparency paper, brought it to the darkroom, set the exposure to F9 at 4 seconds and then went through the developing process. Composition rules of this photo are angle up and leading lines. Angle up is shown because the photo is taken from the bottom of the stairs and leading lines is from the stairs going horizontal on the photo. The story behind this image is to show nature against humanity. Nature is fighting back just simply through growing through the man made stairs. This relates to my life because I have a constant battle with nature with my garden at my house. Weeds are constantly trying to overpower my strawberries. One thing I would change about this photo is the right corner because I think it is distracting because it doesn't have the same as the left side.