Primary Color


Date: 3/09/17

The subject of my image is Paige, the setting is in the school. This image was made by me having Paige go up against a wall, telling her she's free to pose how she likes, getting a little below her level and then snapping the photo. I chose to create this image because I wanted to show primary color and how it's worn and used in the world today. Composition rules of this photo are informal balance and sharp focus. Informal balance plays in because she is not centered and sharp focus is because the photo is clear and crisp. This project evolved by me cropping it, and playing with the lighting. The story behind this image is to show how colors are worn in today's world. This connects to my life because I wear all different colors that sometimes are similar but can also be different. One thing I would change about this photo is her hair and how it flows because I think personally, it is kind of distracting.