Linear Perspective

Title: Look inside the eye

Date 12/5/17

Artist Statement:

For this project we had to do something with linear perspective. At first we just did shapes and letters (First photo), then we did a room that we had to create ourselves, then finally we did a hallway. For the first one I chose to do my name. For the second one I chose to create a living room with a big special window. As for the hallway, I chose to put my own creativity into it after it was drawn. I chose to do an eye theme. For each eye, they're all different shapes but the same color. This is to represent that everyone is different but similar as well. The story behind this drawing is to show difference between people. This relates to my life because I am different from other people but I do have some similarities as well and I embrace both the different and the same. One thing I would change about the hallway drawing is the outlining I did. I would end up outlining everything because it would make the project look much better.