
The subject of my image is my dad. The setting is in the living room. This image was made by me just taking a photo of my dad doing his own thing, specifically stretching. I chose to create this image because I thought that it was the best way to describe my thanksgiving in a picture. It was composed by me just looking around trying to find something that means something to me on thanksgiving.

A composition rule of this photo would be formal balance. Formal balance is shown because my dad is the center of the image. My project evolved by me putting in a lot effort to find the right exposure time.

The meaning of this image is to show a father and how he shows how tired he is after cooking a big meal for his family on thanksgiving. The story is that this is my dad and he means a lot to me and he does a lot for me, and I don't know what I would do without him. SInce I don't have siblings, he is the closest thing I have to one because he sometimes acts childish in a way and he's also my best friend because I feel like I can tell him anything and he will give me a good, but opinionated response back. This relates to my life because this is my dad and he's a huge part of my life, him and I are pretty much the same person, we think the same, talk the same, and almost everything else. If i could change one thing about this image it would be the background of it, even though it adds great value, I'm not a big fan of it and I personally think itd look better without the background elements.