Creative Color Design

Title: Colorful elephants

Date: 3.22.18

Artist Statement:

For this project we had to create something that contained all 84 colors. What I chose to do was have a silhouette elephant and then the 84 colors in the back. Some materials used during this project was lots of paint, brushes both small and big, a ruler, and a pencil. First I started with the elephant and then after painting that I started at the bottom with the blue. Then I just went up from there. Some struggles I came across in this piece is keeping all the elephants parts black and trying not to paint over it as well as making sure I had enough coats on a color. Some strengths in this is the elephant and my paint mixing was very successful. The story behind this piece is to show an elephant and all the colors. When you first look at this you don't think it's an elephant, but when you step back and really try and figure it out, it's obvious which I think at the first look it kind of is abstract. This relates to my life because I love all animals. The elephant idea came from a fact I read earlier in the month before starting this where it stated that elephants think of humans like we think of puppies; cute but sometimes annoying. I was inspired by that. If there was something that I could change about this it would probably be the amount of coats I put on the colors.