Extended Blind Contour Drawing

Title: Fear the hungry

Date: 9/27/17

Artist statement: For this project I had to draw my hand without looking at it as well as my face and someone else's face. Then we had to create something out of what was there; everything I added is in every other color except pink sharpie. I chose to my myself an ostrich because that's the animal I thought of when I looked at the position of the face, and I chose to make Xavier a pig because of the position as well. then with one of the hands, I chose to make a city, with the other hand, I chose to make fear. The story behind this image is two different stories. One being ostriches are afraid of a lot of things, and the second one being pigs like donuts, which is in the city. This relates to my life because I am afraid of some things and I simply just cannot get over that fear. The other story relates to my life because I tend to eat a lot. Whatever I want to eat, I eat it. If I could change one thing about this image it would be how I can connect the two stories together because I think it should all be just one story.