

Title: Pretty is as pretty does

Date: 3/13/17

The subject of my image is my mother, and the setting is in my house. I chose create this image because for this project I wanted to show what makeup did to people, that it covers people's flaws that they don't want to show to the real world, and that just because someone wears makeup, doesn't mean that they're fake. This image was made by me doing half my mother's makeup, and braiding half her hair then putting her in front of a blank wall and taking the photo. Composition rules of this photo are formal balance and sharp focus. Formal balance is because her face is in the center and sharp focus because the whole photo is sharp. The story behind this image is to show how just because someone wears makeup doesn't mean they're any different and in the shadows that's where their true self is, as you can see in this photo, half my mother's face is in the shadows, which is a metaphor to show that no one likes to show their true self most of the time so it stays in the dark where no one can see it. If I could change one thing about this image it would be the angle it was taken at because I don't think this angle is very strong.