FOA final project

Title: Scramble the Bamble

Date: 6.15.18

Artist Statement: For this project I chose to do something with paint. I chose to take a photo I had of one of my dogs, cartoonize it, then print it out and cut it into 4 separate sectors. I mixed my paint trying to make the colors as close as I could to the colors in the picture. When copying down the image onto the canvas, I gridded each square and sketched it square by square. Some struggles I faced with this project is during the copying of my image. the pencil marks would rub and get all over the canvas so it was very messy. Along with that, I struggled with painting the details in her face. Something I would say i'm proud of is how close it does look to the image because I honestly think this the best project i've ever done. The colors were hard to match but I think I matched them pretty well. The story behind this image is to show my dog and how perception can be altered with just the touch of a button. I think I was inspired most to do this because I really liked the painting aspect of it and I wanted to do something I loved; my dog. If i could change one thing about this image it would be to make it so the dirt in the background looked more like it did in the photograph.