Leading Lines

The subject of my image is the bamboo. The setting is in my bathroom. This image was made by going through my house, finding leading lines and I found my shower thing and I took a picture of it. I chose to create this specific image because I thought it had great values in the black and white and also it was great leading lines.This was composed in my bathroom at around 4:00 pm.

Some composition rules of this photo is leading line and formal balance. It's leading line because that's an obvious and the formal balance is because everything is pretty much centered. My project did not evolve at all besides the lighting part of it, I made it brighter when I developed it.

The meaning behind this image is to show the textures in the bamboo. The story is that I took this because it was for a leading lines project and I thought this would be a good leading lines. After I developed the film and made the contact print, I decided to choose this one because it was the best photo with the most values in it, compared to my other ones. it took me many tries to find out the perfect exposure and when I finally found it, it ended up being 7 seconds. Then once I enlarged it and put it through the rinse it had water marks so I decided to redo the photo to get a better grade. This relates to my life because all the textures and the lonesome bamboo sticks all lined up are close to like me where I am lined up to the people around me but each one different than the others. One thing I would change about this image is the wrinkles in the photo. I would've put the image through the scanner and photoshop it, but I didn't think of it until I was writing this.