

Title: Scary things with 8 legs

Date: 2/27/17

The subject of my image is this spider. The setting is in Lisbon, at a church. This image was made by me going to the Lisbon church, and simply taking a photo of the stained glass. I chose to create this specific image because I didn't know what else to take a picture of, having to do with glass, so I just went with this. Composition rules of this photo is informal balance and close distance. Informal balance comes in because the spider isn't centered and close distance because I got close to the glass to take the photo. This project evolved by me bringing it to photoshop, cropping it, and messing around with the lighting and saturation and also the focus of it, to make it more clear. The meaning behind this image is to show the essence of this spider, that is mostly why it is the main focus of this image. The story is about the spider, how it sits here, looking pretty for everyone to see, and just there for show. This project relates to my life because sometimes, I have to sit in a public place and look pretty, like cheering at basketball games, i'm there for show, nothing else; in my opinion. If I could change one thing about this image, it would be the angle of the photo.